

Revision as of 20:15, 25 October 2010 by MMBorch (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the DTU iGEM wiki!

Acknowledgements and Contributions

We will like to give thank everybody that have helped and assisted us in the process of making this project a reality. Mainly we appreciate the support that we have received from everyone in building 301 at DTU, and the administration at the Institute for Systems biology at that have supported us with by their trust and lending us laboratory space and an economical garante. Institute Institute Director of the Systems Biology Department Ole Filtenborg and Deputy Head of the Systems Biology Department Steen Heilmann for their unwavering support and faith in our team.

  • A very special thanks goes out to associate professor Chris Workman, associate professor Mogens Kilstrup and professor Peter Ruhdal Jensen for getting our group together and for their expert guidance and advise.
  • Also a special thanks to Post. Doc Sebastien Lemire for invaluable experimental and theoretical advice and practical help, and to PhD student Hassan Hartman for invaluable experimental advice and practical help.
  • Many thanks again to master student Jacopo Martini, PhD student Emmanouil Papadakis and yet again to associate professor Chris Workman for taking time out of their busy schedules to help us with GFP measurements with the BioLector.
  • A very special thank you goes out to last years DTU iGEM team for all their advice and help that we received during the entire process.
  • Thank you to assistant professor Sergio Rossell for advice on the modeling of our system as well as Flemming Hansen for his expertise in fluorescent proteins and Bjarne Albrektsen for help in the laboratory.
  • .
  • We are very grateful to
