Team:ETHZ Basel/InformationProcessing/Microscope
Details on microscope
A microscope with motorized x, y and z control, a motorized shutter and a 60× lens is used with appropriate fluorescence filters for the fluorescence signals. Light-emitting diode arrays are installed as light sources for red light (660 nm) and far-red light (748 nm) pulses.
Details on the Flow Channel
E. coli cells live in a three dimensional world. However, standard light microscopy can only produce two dimensional images, which caused the problem that, in a simple experimental setting, the E. lemming could swim out of focus and thus disappear for the controller. We thus had to engineer an experimental setup so that the E. lemming stays on a two-dimensional manifold and, at the same time, is still able to swim. Furthermore, we had to minimize passive flow in the setup and fulfill the requirement, that our oil lens has to be close to the object.
We decided to construct a simple but effective flow channel by combining a cover slip with a plastic cuboid, which has a linear approximately 50μm deep cavity on one of its faces. This cuboid was casted using the mould depicted in Figure 2. The casted raw channel was then cutted in small pieces utilizing a razor plate (see Figure 3), and the channel was assembled simply by pressing the cuboid with the side of the cavity on the cover slip (see Figure 4). The liquid containing the E. coli cells was then pipeted on one of the openings of the channel. After the channel filled up completely, another drop was pipeted on the other opening of the channel to stop the flow of the liquid. However, this method caused the problem that when a drop of liquid was pipeted on either side of the channel, the liquid not only flow through the channel but under the whole cuboid, lifting it and thus increasing the deep of the channel. To prevent this effect we bonded both parts of the channel together
Details on the red light/ far-red light diodes and the filters
For the experimental setup it is essential to use the right wavelengths of light for the activation and deactivation of straight swimming and tumbling of the E. lemming. Furthermore it is important to only use light of wavelengths for the bright field microscopy (necessary for cell detection) which do not induce the to photoconversion between the Pr and the Pfr form of PhyB. In Figure 9 we plotted the photoconversion cross-sections of PhyB in the Pr and the Pfr forms as published in Kendrick and Kronenberg (1994). The photoconversion cross-section is basically the product of the extinction coefficient and the quantum yield and can be interpreted as a measure for the probability that a transition between the two forms take place. When the photoconversion cross-section is multiplied with the photon flux, one obtains the reaction rate constants for the photoconversion process. As one can see in Figure 9, the photoconversion cross sections of the Pr and the Pfr form overlap, but are displaced from each other. This displacement can be used to change the relative amounts of the Pr and the Pfr forms by utilizing light with a given wavelength.
We use two LEDs as light sources with wavelengths around 660nm (red light) and 740nm (far-red light) produced by [ CoolLED]. Unluckily these LEDs are new product development so that their spectra were not available, yet. We thus had to approximate their spectra by shifting the known spectra of the LEDs with wavelength maximums at 700m and 770nm, which are similar in construction, to the left (see Figure 7). The light of the diodes was send through two band-pass filters from [ Semrock] (product IDs F39-651 and F39-769), whose spectra are shown in Figure 8.
Besides checking the configuration, the information in Figures 7-9 was also used to calculate the rate constants for the photoconversion reactions in the molecular model. These constants are crucial since they determine the speed with which an E. lemming reacts on changing inputs set by the controller. For maximal light strength (the diodes can be down-regulated smoothly) we obtained for red light a rate constants of 6.64s-1 (0.102s-1 for far-red light) for the photoconversion from the Pr to the Pfr form, and 1.02s-1 (5.68s-1 for far-red light) for the reverse reaction. These constants were used for the modeling.
[1] Kendrick and Kronenberg: Photomorphogenesis in Plants, 2nd Edition (1994). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.