Results and Conclusion
Using this model, we can show that the phosphorylated, ComE*, is proportional to both initial concentration of AIP and ComD.
If the initial concentration of AIP or ComD is zero, there is no formation of ComE*.
We are assuming an initial concentration of Phosphate and ComE of 100nM.
If we change either [AIP]0 or [ComE]0, then the final concentration of ComE* will always tend towards 5×10-11M. [ComE*]final will always tend towards this value, unless the initial concentrations of Phosphate and ComE are changed. However, if we increase both [AIP]0 and [ComE]0 at the same time, then [ComE*]final will be reached much faster (i.e. slope increases).
Equation: AIP-ComD*-ComE ↔ AIP-ComD + ComE*
Graph showing how [ComE*]final eventually reaches the value 5×10-11M.
1. Graph showing the production of Pr-ComD complex. (Equation 1: AIP + ComD ↔ AIP-ComD).
2. Graph showing the production of phosphorylated Pr-ComD* complex. (Equation 2: AIP-ComD + Phosphate ↔ AIP-ComD*).
3. Graph showing the production of Pr-ComD*-ComE complex. (Equation 3: AIP-ComD* + ComE ↔ AIP-ComD*-ComE.
Notice the steep increase of concentration for each of the graphs, which could be due to high k1,2,3 values.
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