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Issues of intellectual property rights    

The Extra-Scientific issues of Hydrocoli



Concerning Ethics and legislative issues


BURNETT E., SENKER F. and WALKER K., The myths of technology, Digital Formations, Peter Lang, New York, 2009.
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WARREN K. (ed.), Ecological Feminism, Routledge, London, 1994.


  Concerning economics and marketing

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BARLOW M. and CLARKE T., Blue gold: the battle against corporate theft of the world’s water, Earthscan Publications Ltd., UK, 2002.
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Commission of the European Communities (2001). Towards a strategic version of life sciences and biotechnology: consultation document. Brussels: CEC.
DODGSON M., The Management of technological innovations, Oxford University press, Oxford, 2000.
DUTTON W., KAHIN B., O’CALLAGHAN R. and WYCKOFF A.W., Transforming Enterprise: the economic and social implications of information technology, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2005.
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ESTACHE A., GOMEZ-LOBO A. and LEIPZIGER D., Utilities Privatization and the poor : lessons and evidence from South-America in World Development, n°29, pp. 1179-1198. 

FAZIO RH., How do attitudes guide behavior? In SORRENTINO RM. And  HIGGINS ET. (ed.), The Handbook of motivation and cognition, Foundations of Social Behavior, New York, Guildford Press, pp. 204-243.
FELKER G. et JOMOK S. (ed.), Technology, Competitiveness and the State, Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia,  Routledge,  London,  1999.
FLICHY P., L’innovation technique,  Editions La Découverte, Paris, 1995.
GAISFORD JD.,  HOBBS JE., KERR WA., PERDIKIS N., MANN R., and PLUNKETT MD., The Economics of Biotechnology, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2001.
GALIANI et al., Water for life: the impact of the privatization of water services on child mortality, Quarterly review of economics and finance, n°36, January 6th, 2003.

GAUTHY-SENECHAL M. and VANDERCAMMEN M., Etudes de Marchés: méthode et outils,  De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2010.
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HAMILTON et al., Patterns of strategic choice for emerging firms: positioning for innovation in biotechnology in California Management Review, 32, 3, pp. 73, spring 1990.

KING K. and MCGRATH S., Enterprises in Africa: between poverty and growth, ITP, London, 1999.
KURGAN-VAN HENTENRIJK G., STENGERS J., L’innovation technologique: facteur de changement (XIX-XXème siècle), Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 1986.
LAPERCHE B. (ed.), L’innovation orchestrée: risque et organisation, L’Harmettan, Paris, 2003.
LEROUX et al., An overview of public consultation mechanisms developed to address the ethical and social issues raised by biotechnology in Journal of Consumer Policy, 21, pp. 445, December 1998.
MAHAJAN V. and PETERSON R.A, Models for innovation diffusion, SAGE Publications, New Delhi, 1985.
MANKIW G., Principles of Economics, 5th edition, Cengage Learning, 2008.
MARRIS C., Public views on GMOs: Deconstructing the myths. EMBO Reports 2, 2001, 545-548.
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SAINT-PAUL G., Innovation and inequality, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008.
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SMALL B. and FISHER M., Measuring Biotechnology Employees’ Ethical Attitudes towards a Controversial Transgenic Cattle Project: the Ethical Valence Matrix, in Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 18, 2005, pp. 495-508.
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 International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications,, consulted summer 2010.

Land Grant Universities: Agricultural Biotechnology Communications, consulted summer 2010,

National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy,, consulted summer 2010.

Issues of intellectual property rights