Team:Korea U Seoul


Revision as of 10:40, 25 October 2010 by Chjable (Talk | contribs)

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Our team project is designing synthetic modules for simultaneous detection of multiple heavy metals such as arsenic, zinc, and cadmium in E. coli. Our ultimate goal is to build a micromachine sensing and determining of the concentration of heavy metals in wasted water. And we hope that can be helpful all of human in this planet!! In order to design the system, we will employ two fluorescence proteins (GFP and RFP) and aryl acylamidase as signal reporters. Since each heavy metal promoter produces unique fluorescence or color by those reporters, if more than two heavy metals coexist in a solution, the results would be interpreted from the convoluted fluorescence and/or color rather than a single signal detection. The successful construction of the synthetic modules in E. coli can be utilized in the form of a lyophilized powder, which can be stored in a drug capsule to make it portable.