

Revision as of 09:55, 24 October 2010 by Ophir Keret (Talk | contribs)

Our parts

Here should be an introduction paragraph about our parts, how many LBD's, DBD's and so on in numbers. it should be 4 sentances long. Insert more text here, Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here,Insert more text here.

Ligand binding domains - Basic Parts

[ Ecdysone Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (D. Melanogaster)]

[ DAF 12 Nuclear Receptor(C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 8 (C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 23 (C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 25 (C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 31 (C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 64(C. Elegans)]

[ Nuclear hormone receptor 80 (C. Elegans)]

[ Constitutive Androstane Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (H. Sapiens)]

[ Pregnane X receptor Ligand Binding Domain(H. Sapiens)]

[ Estrogen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (H. Sapiens)]

DNA binding domains - Basic Parts

composite parts

expression vectors