Team:Aberdeen Scotland/TeamMembers


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University of Aberdeen - ayeSwitch - iGEM 2010

picture of Krystal

Krystal Annand

BSc Chemistry: University of Aberdeen

Krystal has just completed her degree in Chemistry.

Brychan Cromwell

MEng Chemical Engineering (4th Year): University of Aberdeen

I am currently in my fourth year of Chemical Engineering degree. As well as being on the iGem team, I am in charge of the presentation for Aberdeen's Formula Student team (Tau Racing), working on my thesis on fuel injection systems in car engines, president of Aberdeen University Engineering Society and the ExxonMobil Student Ambassador for Aberdeen Uni.

I am also very much looking forward to going to Boston and can't wait for the Jamboree!

Lisa Dryburgh

BSc Hons Maths and Physics (4th Year): University of Aberdeen

I've just started my 4th and final year of my honours degree. Also just started an honours project on Game Theory which is challenging but also interesting! I loved being part of iGEM and spent most of my summer in front of a computer whilst listening to Margaret-Ann singing Disney! :D

Joseph Hoare

BSc Hons Immunology (4th Year): University of Aberdeen


Justyna Kucia

University of Aberdeen

Justyna ...

Stephen Lam

University of Aberdeen

Stephen is in his fourth year of study of Immunology with a year’s Industrial placement at Aberdeen University. He is currently on placement at Novartis, Basel and investigating B cell activation signalling pathways. He joined the iGEM team to develop his knowledge of molecular biology and laboratory skills. His interests include ceilidh dancing, badminton and learning German. He used to play Triangle for his local band 'The Duffel Coats'

Christina McLeman

BSc Hons Geology, BSc Physics, Phd Physics and Geology (1st Year): University of Aberdeen

Tina ...

Ben Porter

BSc Hons Physics (4th Year): University of Aberdeen

My fourth year of physics has just begun, which has brought a medley of new challenges for me to get stuck into. The best of these is my honours project where I'll be putting solid oxides through the path of fire to test their mettle (or performing ac impedance spectroscopy if you listen to my supervisor). iGEM was an experience without comparison and I'm looking forward to joining all of the other teams in Boston.

Maragaret-Ann Seger

BS Electrical Engineering (2nd Year): Olin College

Margaret-Ann ...

Liz Threlkeld

BS Maths and Biology (2nd Year): Olin College

Liz ...