Media Recipes
LB media
- 10 g LB broth
- 500 mL DI water
autoclave to sterilize
LB media with agar
- 10 g LB broth
- 7.5 g agar
- 500 mL DI water
autoclave to sterilize
add antibiotics after autoclaving when warm to touch (about 50°C)
pour plates when warm to the touch (about 50°C)
0.1 M CaCl2 solution
- 0.735 g of CaCl2*2 H20
- 50 mL of DI water
filter sterilize
1.0 M CaCl2 solution
- 7.35 g of CaCl2*2 H20
- 50 mL of DI water
filter sterilize
1.0 M MgSO4
- 12.323 g of MgSO4*7 H20
- 50 mL of DI water
filter sterilize
Ampicillin Antibiotic Stock Solution (100 mg/mL)
- 1 g of ampicillin
- 5 mL of DI water
- 5 mL of ethanol
filter sterilize and make 1 mL aliquotes to store in the -20°C freezer
Kanamycin Antibiotic Stock Solution (50 mg/mL)
- 250 mg of kanamycin
- 5 mL of DI water
filter sterilize and make 1 mL aliquots to store in the -20°C freezer
Tetracycline Antibiotic Stock Solution (50 mg/mL)
- 250 mg of tetracycline
- 2.5 mL of DI water
- 2.5 mL of ethanol
filter sterilize and make 1 mL aliquots to store in the -20°C freezer
IPTG stock solution (1 M)
- 0.25 g of IPTG
- 1049 uL of DI water
filter sterilize with .22 um filter
Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid
Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid is volatile should only be worked with in a hood. For accurate measurement use covered scale with sliding doors in the hood. Stored in the corrosive cabinet
- 0.075 g cyclohexanecarboxylic acid
- 50 mL of DI water
filter sterilize
Bushnell-Haas Salts (w/out carbon source)
- 0.4 g of KH2PO4
- 0.4 g of K2HPO4
- 0.4 g of (NH4)2 SO4 or NH4NO3
- 0.002 g of FeCl3
- 318 mL of DI H2O
Autoclave at 15 psi and 121C for 30 minutes
After the media has cooled completely add:
- 665 uL of 1 M MgSO4 solution
- 72 uL of 1 M CaCl2 solution
40% glucose solution
- 20 g of glucose
- 50 mL of DI water
filter sterilize
Bushnell-Haas Media with glucose
- 39.75 mL of Bushnell-Haas Salts
- 2 mL of 40% glucose solution
- 8.25 mL of sterile DI water