

(Difference between revisions)
(07-09-2010 [ top ])
(07-10-2010 [ top ])
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**Gel purifying/digesting/ligating/transforming pdk intron into e.coli
**Gel purifying/digesting/ligating/transforming pdk intron into e.coli
==07-10-2010 [ [[#top|top]] ]==
==07-09-2010 [ [[#top|top]] ]==
*PCRd pHAN.pdk, pKAN.pdk (they're the same 741bp pdk) using the values that worked in the gradient, got them in high ODs. Put them in box a2 rows 3-4.
*PCRd pHAN.pdk, pKAN.pdk (they're the same 741bp pdk) using the values that worked in the gradient, got them in high ODs. Put them in box a2 rows 3-4.
{| border="1"
{| border="1"

Revision as of 04:30, 24 October 2010

notebook calendar

Week 1 06-14-2010 06-15-2010 06-16-2010 06-17-2010 06-18-2010
Week 2 06-21-2010 06-22-2010 06-23-2010 06-24-2010 06-25-2010
Week 3 06-28-2010 06-29-2010 06-30-2010 07-01-2010 07-02-2010
Week 4 07-06-2010 07-07-2010 07-08-2010 07-09-2010
Week 5 07-12-2010 07-13-2010 07-14-2010 07-15-2010 07-16-2010
Week 6 07-19-2010 07-20-2010 07-21-2010 07-22-2010 07-23-2010
Week 7 07-26-2010 07-27-2010 07-28-2010 07-29-2010 07-30-2010
Week 8 08-02-2010 08-03-2010 08-04-2010 08-05-2010 08-06-2010
Week 9 08-09-2010 08-10-2010 08-11-2010 08-12-2010 08-13-2010

06-14-2010 [ top ]

06-15-2010 [ top ]

06-16-2010 [ top ]

06-17-2010 [ top ]

06-18-2010 [ top ]

06-21-2010 [ top ]

  • PCR amplification of gDNA from Arabadopsis thaliana for sense and antisense parts of LTP, Bet v 1, and Ger3.
  • Diagnostic Digest of PCR products



Lane 2 is LTP sense, lanes 11 and 12 are Ger 3 sense and antisense.

06-22-2010 [ top ]

  • Gel electrophoresis of PCR products
  • Gel digest and purification of LTP sense, Ger sense and Ger antisense
  • Digest with Xba and Pst
  • Purification of parts

Gel purification yielded 2.6, 7.8, and 7.9 ng/μL of LTP sense, Ger sense, and Ger antisense parts. We were able to obtain 1.5, 4.3 and 0.5 ng/μL of digested LTP sense, Ger 3 sense, and Ger 3 antisense, respectively, from the digest purification.

06-23-2010 [ top ]

  • Digest and purification of vector V0120
  • Ligation of LTP sense, Ger sense, and Ger antisense parts into V0120

Ligations were plated.

06-24-2010 [ top ]

06-25-2010 [ top ]

06-28-2010 [ top ]

06-29-2010 [ top ]

06-30-2010 [ top ]

07-01-2010 [ top ]

  • Ligations for full amiRNA and V0120 (w/o death gene)

note: .5 denotes multistep pcr reaction from yesterday in which .5 uL of part 3 of gfp/ltp were use in one of the giant assemblies of parts 1,2,3 w/ primers A&B

Ligation Reactions
Bet GFP LTP LTP(.5) GFP(.5)
DNA Insert (after 1:10 dilutions) 3 4.5 3 4.71 4.1
T4 DNA ligase buffer (10x) 2 2 2 2 2
diH2O 11.5 10 11.5 9.79 10.4
T4 DNA ligase 1 1 1 1 1
DNA Backbone 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
    • Used 50 ng of backbone and 150 ng of insert (ratio of insert to vector ~.14
    • Did 1:10 dilutions for the digested inserts

  • PCR of PME3 and PAL2
    • saw no bands from last night's pcr so we re ran it

Annealing Temp: 69C Extension Time: 30 sec

2 reactions (PME & PAL)

Name Amount (uL)
10mM dNTPs 1
5x Phusion Buffer 10
Phusion Polymerase .5
Arabadopsis Genomic DNA 1
Fwd/Rev Primer .5 uM each (1uL 50x)
Water 35.5

Concentrations: PME: 250 ng/uL PAL: 134 ng/uL

  • gel: lane 1:ladder; lane 2: Pal3; lane 3: Pme 2; lane 4: ladder

Pal 2 and Pme 3 introns

  • Sent amiRNA Bet for sequencing
  • Ligation of Antisense/sense allergens into V0120 (lacking death gene)
Ligation Reactions
BetS BetA LTPS LTPA GerS GerA Bet 1.2S Bet 1.2 A Negative Control
DNA Insert (after 1:10 dilutions) ~ 3 times excess 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0
T4 DNA ligase buffer (10x) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
diH2O 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15
T4 DNA ligase 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DNA Backbone 2 2 22 22222
    • Used 34 ng of backbone and 10 ng of insert (ratio of insert to vector ~.09375

07-02-2010 [ top ]

  • Check on sequences for Bet
  • Digest Pme3 and Pal 2 introns/Ligate w/ V0120/Transform
    • Digestions
Digestion Reactions
PME 3 (4 digestions) Pal 2 (4 digestions) Backbone (B21 w/ YFP)
DNA 4 (~1000ng)7 (~1000ng) 3 (~900 ng)
FD Buffer (10x) 2 2 2
diH2O 12 9 13
EcoRI 1 1 1
SpeI 1 1 1
    • PCR purified digests
      • Concentrations: Pme (ranges from 20-36 ng/uL); Pal (ranges from 20 to 28 ng/uL)
    • Ran backbone on gel and gel purified (Concentration: 3.1 ng/uL)
  • Ligations of Pme/Pal w/ V0120
Ligation Reactions
Pme4 Pal3 Pme5 Pal1
DNA Insert 1.85 1 1 4.86 after 1 in 10 dilution
T4 DNA ligase buffer (10x) 2 2 2 2
diH2O 14.15 15 6.3 --
T4 DNA ligase 1 1 1 1
DNA Backbone 1 (bbone 2) 1 (bbone 2) 14 9.64
    • bbone 2 was potentially contaminated at a higher concentration 96.1 ng/uL
  • Check on transformations of amiRNA (5 transformations) and antisense/sense allergens (8 transformations)
    • There were colonies from the amiRNA transformations
      • We grew up 24 colonies (3 for each GFP, GFP .5, LTP, LTP .5, BET) ~ 10 am to be ready ~3 pm for minipreps)
      • The other 8 transformations did not show any colonies--we put it back in to see if we would get colonies (only 100 uL instead of 200 uL was plated)
      • To do: Grow up colonies to miniprep, run on gel, sequence
  • pHannibal and pKannibal arrived today (hannibal is amp resistant and kannibal is kan resistant)
    • We transformed these plasmids

07-06-2010 [ top ]

Team Allergy

Today, we isolated plasmid that contained antisense and sense sequences of the allergen panel and introns PME and PAL that we grew last week.


For amiRNA

  1. Nanodrop of miniprepped amiRNA plasmids
  2. Diagnostic digest of amiRNA plasmids
  3. E Gel of digested amiRNA
  4. Send plasmids to Genewiz for sequencing

For ihpRNA

  1. Miniprep of plasmids containing introns for hpRNA
  2. Nanodrop of miniprepped intron plasmids
  3. Miniprep of plasmids containing Allergen Panel sense and antisense
  4. Nanodrop of minipreped allergen plasmids
  5. Diagnostic Digest of introns and allergens
  6. E Gel of digested parts
  7. Extract pKannibal and pHannibal vectors and transform into E. coli
  8. PCR of the PDK intron in pKannibal and pHannibal


For amiRNA

Miniprep of turbo bacteria for plasmids containing sequences for amiRNA

Should obtain plasmids containing the complete sequence for amiRNA. The resulting concentration should be relatively high (<100ng/μL) because all growing bacteria would have the plasmids inside.

Nanodrop of miniprepped amiRNA plasmids

We used 2μL of DNA per nanodrop.

Concentrations in ng/μL
Sample # --> One Two Three
GFP 134.4167.6 207.2
GFP 0.5 163.3 106.9 230.9
LTP 134.0 127.8 165.5
LTP 0.5 158.5 137.2 113.5
Bet 129.4 78.9 124.4

Diagnostic digest of amiRNA plasmids Digested 200~500ng of plasmids with EcoR1 and Spe1. We will then run the digested vectors on an E Gel and look for DNA that is the length of the insert. If such DNA appears on the gel, then we will send it off to be sequenced.

E Gel of digested amiRNA

Image of E Gel plates two and one

We had to run 21 samples, so we used two gels. The orders were:

Gel #1

  1. 1kb Ladder
  2. GFP 1
  3. GFP 2
  4. GFP3
  5. GFP 0.5 1
  6. GFP 0.5 2
  7. GFP 0.5 3
  8. LTP 1
  9. LTP 2
  10. LTP 3
  11. LTP 0.5 1 no visible band for neither plasmid nor insert
  12. LTP 0.5 2

Gel #2

  1. 1kb Ladder
  2. LTP 0.5 3
  3. Bet 1
  4. Bet 2
  5. Bet 3
  6. Neg Control for hpRNA (digested with Xba and Pst, and ligated without new inserts) no visible insert band
  7. Neg Control for intron (digested with Eco and Spe, and ligated without new inserts)
  8. PME Good no visible insert band
  9. PME Dubious no visible insert band
  10. PAL Good colony 1 no visible insert band
  11. PAL Good colony 2
  12. 1kb Ladder

For ihpRNA

Miniprep of plasmids containing introns for hpRNA Nanodrop of miniprepped intron plasmids

We used 2μL of DNA per nanodrop.

Concentrations in ng/μL, cells are filled when applicable
Insert Name Good Dubious Colony 1 Colony 2 Colony 3
PME 85.666.8
PAL 67.7 108.8
Neg Control, Intron 74.0
Neg Contron, hpRNA 63.5 30.1 37.3
  1. Miniprep of plasmids containing Allergen Panel sense and antisense (from overnight cultures)--still need to do preps of cultures grown today
  2. Nanodrop of minipreped allergen plasmids
  3. Diagnostic Digest of introns and allergens
  4. E Gel

Gel #1

Lane 1: 1kb Ladder

Lanes 2-4: Ger Sense

Lanes 5-7: Ger Antisense

Lanes 8-10: LTP Sense

Lanes 11-13: LTP Antisense

Lanes 14-16: Bet 2 Sense

Lanes 17-19: Bet 2 Antisense

Lanes 20-22: Bet 1 Sense

Lanes 23-25: Bet 1 Antisense

phannibal and pkannibal Extracted vectors from a piece of paper per instructions. Transformed vectors into E. coli. Miniprep and PCR to extract PDK intron.

  • pcr to get out pdk intron

07-07-2010 [ top ]

Yesterday, we ended by transforming pKannabil and pHannibal into E. coli and running a diagnostic digest of digested allergen panel. Yesterday's plates did not grow, and the diagnostic digest did not have good results.

  • Today, we will be redoing diagnostic digests of the allergen panel plasmids to see if we can see our desired bands (300 bp and 3200) and re-transforming pKannabil and pHannibal.
    • If the digested allergen panel runs correctly on a gel, then we will send the plasmids off for sequencing.
    • If nothing gel does not run correctly, then we will go back to re-digest V0120 with a death gene insert instead of YFP and ligate allergen inserts, transform, miniprep, and see if we get the correct insert. **If some run correctly and some did not, we will collect more samples from our culture plates for the allergens that did not work and redo the digests until we find a sample with the correct plasmid.
  • If the pKannabil and pHannibal plates grow, then we will miniprep to purify the plasmids containing the PDK intron, PCR the intron, and purify the intron.
  • Today, we are also running the PDK intron obtained yesterday to see if it is the correct length.

First thing tomorrow, we will culture E. coli containing plasmids for our allergen panel to obtain more plasmids.


For pKannabil and pHannibal:

  1. Electronic Gel Electrophoresis of PDK introns (from PCR reaction yesterday, PCR off DNA from the eluted vectors)
  2. Re-grow E. coli containing pKannabil and pHannibal plasmids
  3. Culture colonies
  4. Miniprep colonies
  5. PCR for PDK intron
  6. Diagnostic Gel to check for correct length
  7. Repeat PCR of PDK intron using different Tm (gradient pcr)

For Allergen panel

  1. Digest of Plasmids containing allergen inserts
  2. Diagnostic Gel
  3. Collect additional samples for allergens that did not work


For pKannabil and pHannibal

Transformation of pHannibal pKannibal

This transformation we performed slightly differently from the one yesterday. This protocol is nicknamed the "quick and dirty transform." The transformation we started yesterday of pH and pK didn't work (no growth on either plate).

Quick and Dirty Transform:

  1. Mix
    1. 2ul 10x {pHannibal, pKannibal}
    2. 20ul Turbo E. Coli
    3. 220ul SOC Broth
  2. Plate on {LB+(pHannibal->LB+Amp, pKannibal->LB+Kan), LB} Agar, grow

PCR of PDK intron

  • PCR of PME3 and PAL2
    • saw no bands from last night's pcr so we re ran it

Annealing Temp: 69C Extension Time: 30 sec

2 reactions

Name Amount (uL)
10mM dNTPs 1
5x Phusion Buffer 10
Phusion Polymerase .5
Arabadopsis Genomic DNA 7 ng
Fwd/Rev Primer .5 uM each (1uL 50x)
Water 35.5

Concentrations: PDK:46.5 ng/uL & 36.5 ng/uL Didn't work. Our theory is that the Tm we used (the one IDT sent us) was too high. IDT assumes that the entire primer is going to anneal to a strand of DNA when they calculate their Tm, but since half of our primer won't anneal (the half that doesn't anneal was used to prepend/postpend the biobrick sequences) the Tm IDT calculates will be too high. Here are more correct calculations from Primer3:

OLIGO            start  len      tm     gc%   any    3' seq 

LEFT PRIMER       4229   20   51.11   30.00  8.00  3.00 CCAATTGGTAAGGAAATAAT
RIGHT PRIMER      5021   20   61.95   45.00  6.00  0.00 TTCGAACCCAATTTCCCAAC

See Gel Image Below: ladder, lane 3 and 5 are pdk intron

lanes 3 and 5 correspond to the pdk intron

Gradient PCR

Annealing Temps: 50,55,60,65

Extension Time: 30 sec

8 reactions

Name Amount (uL)
10mM dNTPs 1
5x Phusion Buffer 10
Phusion Polymerase .5
Arabadopsis Genomic DNA 7 ng
Fwd/Rev Primer .5 uM each (1uL 50x)
Water 35.5

Concentrations: PDK: 12.7 ng/uL

Remaining steps

  1. Culture colonies
  2. Miniprep colonies
  3. PCR for PDK intron
  4. Diagnostic Gel to check for correct length
  5. Repeat PCR of PDK intron using different Tm.

For Allergen panel

Digest of Plasmids containing allergen inserts

Digested with Xba and Pst using Fast Fermentas digest protocol. Added 3 μL of DNA and 17μL of master mix (with 0.5μL of each restriction enzyme) to each reaction.

Diagnostic Digest

    • Digestions
Digestion Reactions
LTPS (3) LTPA (3) GRES (3)GREA (3) Bet1SBet1ABet1.2S Bet1.2A
DNA (~200 ng) (~200 ng)|align="center" | (~200 ng)|align="center" | (~200 ng)|
FD Buffer (10x) 2 2 2 2
diH2O x x x x
Xba1 1 1 1 1
Pst1 1 1 1 1
    • Ran on a gel

240 px

Out of the 24 lanes, 6 were successful. Of the 8 allergens, 3 were successful. Samples of LTP sense, Betv1 sense, and Ger sense had one band at around 3kbps and one band at 300bps. The other genes had one band at 3kbps and additional longer bands on the scale of twice or three times the length of the plasmid.

For the allergens that did not work, we will go back to our bacteria plates and sample 5 additional colonies for each allergen, grow up 10 mL overnight cultures, and miniprep so that we can redo the diagnostic digest. We are hoping that a larger sample size would allow us to find colonies with the correct plasmid.

Remaining Steps

  1. Collect additional samples for allergens that did not work
  2. Culture them
  3. Miniprep
  4. Diagnostic Digest and Gel

07-08-2010 [ top ]


  • Sent out plasmids for sequencing w/ new primers

Allergen Panel

  • Sent out for sequencing this morning using new primers
  • Minipreps of Allergen Panel
    • Concentrations:

LTP 1,2,3: 265.5 ng/uL, 507.1 ng/uL, 275.5 ng/uL;

GerA 1,2,3,4: 283.1 ng/uL, 185.9 ng/uL, 182.4 ng/uL, 314.7 ng/uL;

Bet 2A 1,2,3,4: 246.6 ng/uL, 251.4ng/uL, 550.3 ng/uL, 235.8 ng/uL;

Bet 2S 1,2,3,4,5,6: 613 ng/uL, 296.8 ng/uL, 333.1 ng/uL, 467.3 ng/uL, 230.3 ng/uL, 129.4 ng/uL;

Bet 1A 1,2,3,4,5: 505.8 ng/uL, 632.1 ng/uL, 561.7 ng/uL, 594.4 ng/uL, 609.2 ng/uL

  • Diagnostic Digest

Allergen Panel after 40 min.jpg

PDK intron

  • Gradient PCR of PDK intron


lanes using 50 & 55 C worked

Gel of gradient PCR of the 741bp PDK intron out of pHANNIBAL and pKANNIBAL. Lanes are (left to right, temperatures are annealing temperatures used in the gradient PCR) 1kb+ ladder, pHAN 50ºC, pKAN 50ºC, pHAN 55ºC, pKAN 55ºC, pHAN 60ºC, pKAN 60ºC, pHAN 65ºC, pKAN 65ºC.

It appears that pHANNIBAL worked at 50, 55ºC but pKANNIBAL didn't.

Concentration: hannibal pdk 12.7 ng/uL kannibal pdk: 15.6 ng/uL

Did a PCR of the PCR product

Annealing Temps: hannibal pdk (50 C); kannibal pdk (55 C)

Extension Time: 30 sec

12 reactions (6 hannibal pdk; 6 kannibal pdk)

Name Amount (uL)
10mM dNTPs 1
5x Phusion Buffer 10
Phusion Polymerase .5
pdk 1 uL DNA (12.6 and 16.5 ng)
Fwd/Rev Primer .5 uM each (1uL 50x) at .5 uM
Water 35.5

  • Growing up 5 mL cultures of pHannibal and pKannibal for getting more DNA for pdk pcr
    • Gel purifying/digesting/ligating/transforming pdk intron into e.coli

07-09-2010 [ top ]

  • PCRd pHAN.pdk, pKAN.pdk (they're the same 741bp pdk) using the values that worked in the gradient, got them in high ODs. Put them in box a2 rows 3-4.
Concentration of PCR products in ng/ul
Temp(ºC) Source Label Concentrations
55 H HPDK55 64.0,190.9,66.4
50 H HPDK50 119.3,125.5,92.4
55 K KPDK55 84.3,97.3,106.5
50 K KPDK50 52.5,93.5,71.0

07-12-2010 [ top ]

07-13-2010 [ top ]

07-14-2010 [ top ]

07-15-2010 [ top ]

07-16-2010 [ top ]

07-19-2010 [ top ]

07-20-2010 [ top ]

07-21-2010 [ top ]

07-22-2010 [ top ]

07-23-2010 [ top ]

07-26-2010 [ top ]

07-27-2010 [ top ]

07-28-2010 [ top ]

07-29-2010 [ top ]

07-30-2010 [ top ]

08-02-2010 [ top ]

08-03-2010 [ top ]

  • Grew up cultures of completed ihpRNA constructs (Bet, LTP, Ger) in pORE expression vector
  • amiRNA PCR
    • Will look at results of PCR tommorrow

08-04-2010 [ top ]


  • amiRNA PCR appears to have worked at every Tm we tried:

AmiRNA-try-3.jpgAmiRNA pcr 8.3.jpg

  • Digested V9/V10 to insert our constructs into
    • Realized that we hadn't gel purified our ihpRNA inserts
    • Gel purification of inserts (entire ihpRNA parts)

Gel 1

Ladder, 9, 11c1, 11c2, ladder, 25c1, 28c1, 28c2, 36c1, 36c2, ladder


  • Successfully gel purified our inserts and digested backbones that we will ligate into

08-05-2010 [ top ]

  • Gel extracted V9/V10 backbone


Lanes: Ladder, V9, Ladder, V10

Concentrations: V9 (9.4 ng/uL; V10 (16.4 ng/uL)

  • Ligated ihpRNA inserts into V9/V10 and transformed
    • For our ligations we only used ~ 2uL of backbone (around 18 and 32 ng of backbone)and used a 3x excess of insert
  • Verified that amiRNA stitching of Bet, LTP yielded the proper insert with a low level of background through PCR:


Lanes: 1-7: Bet, corresponding to 65.55 degrees C for stitching Tm (even spacing)

Lanes: 8-10: LTP, corresponding to 65.55 degrees C during stitching annealing, even spacing

  • Digested
    • Bet,LTP inserts with X+P; B21 with X+P+phosphatase
  • Ligated, Transformed

08-06-2010 [ top ]


  • amiRNA-transformed turbo cells didn't grow in YEB medium. There should be more LB+Amp available by the end of the day. In the meantime, we're digesting some more backbone (8x20ul X+P+B21)
    • ligations of Bet/LTP into V0120


  • no colonies on plates from transformations done yesterday after 16 hours (we let these plates grow for longer)
  • redoing ligations of ihpRNA inserts in V9/V10
    • Redigested and gel purified some backbone

  • Concentrations: V9 (5 ng/uL); V10 (6 ng/uL)
    • 12 ligations each for V9 and V10

08-09-2010 [ top ]

  • DTLs of amiRNA insert were unsuccessful. Yesterday we concluded this was because turbo cells + amp resistance don't grow on YEB media (we were out of LB+amp media). Today we must adopt a new hypothesis as 0/16 colonies grew on LB+amp media. Working theory is that the backbone digestions pictured below have the digested backbone and inserts as the two bands (top to bottom) instead of the undigested & digested backbone (in hindsight, I was trying to ligate into YFP*2, the original insert of B21). The confusion arose from the 1kb ladder, which at first appeared to match another ladder far better than 1kb (see Thursday's entry or thereabouts). This, combined with the fact that the 1kb ladder was hand-labeled, led me to suspect that it was in fact the other ladder (pR322 as pictured [ here]). This, in turn, supported the (theorized incorrect) conclusion that the top & bottom bands [ here] and [ here] were undigested & digested backbone, respectively, and that the insert had diffused. I've DTL'd again, this time using the upper band (which didn't separate into digested & undigested bands after running for 30m on a .7% agarose gel) for ligation. We'll see on Monday how it went.
  • New Plan of action:
  1. Redigest V9/V10 (three digests of each backbone to use more DNA in ligations)
  2. Grew up V9/V10+ ihpRNA colonies
  3. Re pcrd amiRNA and digested to ligate into V9/V10
  4. Catalog parts to be ready for the registry

08-10-2010 [ top ]


  • Only 2 colonies grew up (V10 9 (37c1) and V10 12 B(38 c2)) ger ihprna constructs
    • growing up colonies again in 5 mL cultures w/less antibiotic (50 ng/uL of kan)
    • concentrations: V10_9: 21.4 ng/uL V10_12B: 16.9 ng/uL
  • Diagnostic Digest (Should see ~ 7 kb band and 840 band)

Diagnostic Digest Ger ihpRNA into V10

  • Did not see exepcted bands (waiting on cultures grown up today to miniprep and hopefully transform into agrobacterium tommorow)


  • Ligated into V9/V10 and transformed

08-11-2010 [ top ]

  • Minipreps of (V95, V91, V99, V99b, V1011, V107B, V1012, V109b)
    • Concentrations (20-60 ng/uL range)
  • Diagnostic Digest (should see ~ 7 kb and 840 bp)


Ladder, V9 5 (Bet2), V91(LTP), V99 (Ger), V99B (Ger), V1011 (Ger), V107b(Ger), V1012 (Ger), V109B (Ger)

V10 7B (Ger worked)

08-12-2010 [ top ]


  • Minipreps of more V9/V10 colonies
  • Diagnostic Digest of minipreps w/ Eco and Pst (Should see ~840 and 7000 bp)

diagnostic digest of ihpRNA in agro vectors

ladder, V92, V92b, V94, V94b, V95, V96b, V97, V97b, V98, V98b

Lanes 2&3: LTP (11c1); Lanes 4&5: Bet2 (25c1); Lane 6: Bet2 (25c2); Lane 7: Bet2 (28c1); Lanes 8&9: Ger (36c1); Lanes 10&11 Ger (36c2)

  • Digested V9/V10 backbone for ligations w/ Eco & Pst (redoing ihpRNA ligations into V9/V10)



  • Ligated into V9/V10 and transformed (mutagenesis sites confirmed through pcr using 20 bp sepecific primers)
    • still need to be sequenced

08-13-2010 [ top ]

  • Organized parts so we could find them when we came back

<Note: remember to add more pics/less text>