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- | Talisman Energy is an independent upstream oil and gas companies headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Talisman has operations in Canada and its subsidiaries operate in the UK, Norway, Southeast Asia, North Africa and the United States. It is committed to conducting business in an ethically and environmentally responsible manner. Talisman’s generous support and contribution to the University of Calgary’s iGEM project has recognized Talisman among this year’s Bronze sponsors. Thank you Talisman Energy and Congratulations!
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- | The International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) competition is annually held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the field of Synthetic Biology. Since 2004, this competition encourages undergraduate teams from all over the world to develop a project that intertwines the principles of Biology and Engineering. The competition not only determines the worth of projects solely based on biological merit, but also requires teams to examine their project as a whole. This includes aspects such as modelling of genetic circuits, marketing the project and educating the public about iGEM and Synthetic Biology. For more information about iGEM, please visit their <a href="http://www.igem.org" target="_blank">official website</a>.
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- | The U of C iGEM team is made up of 15 undergraduate students from Health Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science and Kinesiology as well as 4 facilitators. For more information regarding the U of C iGEM Enterprise, please visit our <a href="http://igem.ucalgary.ca/ " target="_blank">website</a>.
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- | Need help navigating our site? Click <a href="https://2009.igem.org/Team:Calgary/Sitemap">HERE</a> for a navigational guide and sitemap. Or, follow our tour:
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