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[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/results #Integrative standard vector for E. coli|Integrative standard vector for E. coli]]
[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/IntColi|Integrative standard vector for E. coli]]
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[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/results #Integrative standard vector for yeast|Integrative standard vector for yeast]]
[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/IntYeast|Integrative standard vector for yeast]]
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[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/results #Self-cleaving affinity tags to easily purify proteins|Purification of proteins]]
[[Team:UNIPV-Pavia/Project/FasinaInteina|Purification of proteins]]
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=Integrative standard vector for E. coli=
==Materials and Methods==
'''Plasmids and strains:''' the <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> helper plasmid was kindly given by Prof. JC Anderson (UC Berkeley). MC1061 (<partinfo>BBa_K300078</partinfo>) and MG1655 (<partinfo>BBa_V1000</partinfo>) E. coli strains and the pCP20 helper plasmid were purchased from the Coli Genetic Stock Center (Yale University). DH5alpha (<partinfo>BBa_V1001</partinfo>) strain was purchased from Invitrogen.
'''Verification primers:''' all the oligonucleotides were purchased from Primm (San Raffaele Biomedical Science Park, Milan, Italy). The P1 (<partinfo>BBa_K300975</partinfo>) and P4 (<partinfo>BBa_K300978</partinfo>) primers had already been used in [Anderson JC et al., 2010]. The P2 (<partinfo>BBa_K300976</partinfo>) and P3 (<partinfo>BBa_K300977</partinfo>) primers have been newly designed using ApE and amplifiX. P2 and P3 have been designed also considering the previously used verification primers P2 and P3 in the pG80ko integrative plasmid, described in [DeLoache W, 2009].
The relative position of the P1, P2, P3 and P4 primers is shown in the figure below:
|[[Image:relativeprimers.png|thumb|450px|center|Relative position of the verification primers. a) no integrants; b) single integrant and c) integrant with multiple tandem copies. P1/P2 and P3/P4 pairs give an amplicon when at least one copy of the vector is integrated in the Phi80 locus. P2/P3 pair show an amplicon only when multiple tandem copies occur.]]
'''Competent cells preparation:''' all the ''E. coli'' strains were made competent following a slightly modified version of the protocol described in [Sambrook J et al., 1989]. Briefly, cells were grown to and OD600 of ~0.4-0.6, harvested (4000 rpm, 10 min, 4°C) and the supernatant discarded. Cells were resuspended in (30 ml for each 50 ml of initial culture) pre-chilled Mg-Ca buffer (80 mM MgCl2, 20 mM CaCl2), centrifuged as before and the supernatant discarded. Cells were resuspended in (2 ml for each 50 ml of initial culture) pre-chilled Ca buffer (100 mM CaCl2, 15% glycerol), aliquoted in 0.5 ml tubes and freezed immediately at -80°C. Test the transformation efficiency as:
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''efficiency [CFU/ug of DNA]= # CFU * 1000 ng of DNA / amount of transformed DNA [ng]''
'''Pir strains validation:''' in order to test the capability of BW25141 (pir+) and BW23474 (pir-116) to propagate this conditional replication origin, they were made competent, as well as three control strains: MC1061, MG1655 and DH5alpha. Then, a vial of 100 ul of competent cells was transformed with 2-4 ng of:
*no DNA (negative control);
*a pSB*** series vector (positive control);
*self-ligated <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> (a R6K plasmid with Cm resistance).
Self-ligated <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> was prepared by digesting <partinfo>pSB1A2</partinfo>-<partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> (yielded by BioBrick Standard Assembly) with XbaI-SpeI. The insert was isolated and purified from a 1% agarose gel. Then, it was self-ligated to generate a Cm-resistant R6K plasmid. The colonies were counted in each plate and the transformation efficiency was estimated as described before.
The Chloramphenicol concentration in plates was 34 ug/ml for the high copy plasmids, 12.5 ug/ml for the medium/low copy plasmids and 12.5 for the three control strains transformed with the R6K plasmid.
'''BBa_K300000 construction:''' This section describes how this vector backbone was assembled using BioBrick parts.
#'''First step - <partinfo>BBa_K300982</partinfo> intermediate part construction:'''
##<partinfo>BBa_K300983</partinfo>, provided by Mr Gene DNA synthesis service (, was excised from its original shipping vector (pMK-RQ) through digestion with AvrII restriction enzyme (Roche). It was then isolated through a 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and gel-extracted (Macherey-Nagel NucleoSpin Extract II).
##<partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> was assembled via BioBrick Standard Assembly from available parts and was excised from its vector (<partinfo>pSB1A2</partinfo>) through digestion with XbaI-SpeI (Roche). It was then isolated using the same procedure described above and it was dephosphorylated by using Antarctic Phosphatase (NEB).
##Digested <partinfo>BBa_K300983</partinfo> and <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo>, all having compatible sticky ends, were ligated with T4 Ligase (Roche) and transformed into competent BW23474 E. coli strain (<partinfo>BBa_K300985</partinfo>) in order to allow the ligated plasmid propagation at high copy number. This strain was necessary because the replication origin of the resulting plasmid was the conditional R6K origin (<partinfo>BBa_J61001</partinfo>).
##Positive transformants, grown on Chloramphenicol (34 ug/ml) plates, were identified by restriction mapping with EcoRI-HindIII (Roche). The yielded plasmid was <partinfo>BBa_K300982</partinfo>.
#'''Second step - <partinfo>BBa_K300000</partinfo> final vector construction:'''
##<partinfo>BBa_K300982</partinfo> DNA was miniprepped, digested with EcoRI-PstI (Roche), run on agarose gel and gel-extracted as described above, in order to cut out and eliminate the RBS (<partinfo>BBa_B0033</partinfo>) between EcoRI and PstI.
##<partinfo>BBa_I52002</partinfo> DNA was excised from <partinfo>pSB4C5</partinfo> by EcoRI-PstI (Roche) digestion and isolated by gel run and gel extraction as described above.
##Digested <partinfo>BBa_K300982</partinfo> and <partinfo>BBa_I52002</partinfo> were ligated and transformed into competent DB3.1 E. coli strain (<partinfo>BBa_V1005</partinfo>), selected with Chloramphenicol at 34 ug/ml.
##Positive transformants were screened by restriction mapping with EcoRI-HindIII (Roche) and sequencing with VF2 (<partinfo>BBa_G00100</partinfo>) and VR (<partinfo>BBa_G00101</partinfo>) standard primers. The yielded plasmid was <partinfo>BBa_K300000</partinfo>.
All the DNA manipulations were performed according to manufacturer's protocols.
'''Integration protocol:'''
# Transform the <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> helper plasmid in the host strain (MC1061 or MG1655) and select transformants on Amp (50 ug/ml) plates under permissive conditions (30°C) overnight.
# Inoculate a single colony in selective LB and let the culture grow at 30°C, 220 rpm. When the culture reaches the OD600 of 0.4-0.6 prepare chemically competent cells.
# Transform the integrative vector with the desired insert in the BBa_J72008-containing strain and select co-transformants on Cm (34 ug/ml) plates under permissive conditions (30°C) overnight. At this temperature <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> can be replicated and so the pir protein product can be expressed in the cells. The pir product enables the propagation of the integrative vector by replicating the R6K origin.
# Inoculate a single colony in 5 ml of LB + Cm at 12.5 ug/ml and incubate the culture at 37°C, 220 rpm overnight. At this temperature the <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> helper cannot be replicated and the Phi80 integrase is expressed by the remaining copies of the helper. The bacteria that are able to grow in this selective medium should be correct integrants because the integrative vector cannot be replicated by the pir product anymore.
# Streak the culture on a Cm plate (at 12.5 ug/ml) and incubate it at 43°C overnight to ensure the loss of the helper plasmid. The bacteria that form colonies should be correct integrants without the <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> helper plasmid.
Validate the loss of the helper plasmid by inoculating colonies in Cm (at 12.5 ug/ml) media and counterselecting them in Amp (at 50 ug/ml) media. Validate the correct integration position by performing colony PCR with primers P1/P2, P3/P4, P1/P4, P2,P3 and VF2/VR. Validate the phenotype (when possible).
Expected amplicon length [bp] when the vector is integrated into the Phi80 locus:
|'''No integrant'''
|'''Single integrant'''
|'''Multiple tandem integrants (>1)'''
|280 + insert length
|280 + insert length
|546 + insert length + 2171 (i.e. the BBa_K300000 length)
|546 + insert length + 2171 (i.e. the BBa_K300000 length)
'''Marker excision protocol:'''
# Inoculate an integrant in selective LB medium and let it grow to OD600=0.4-0.6. Prepare chemically competent cells.
# Transform the pCP20 helper plasmid in the competent strain and select transformants on Amp (100 ug/ml) plates under permissive conditions (30°C) overnight. At this temperature the pCP20 can be replicated. The pCP20 plasmid contains Amp and Cm resistance markers, a thermoinducible Flp recombinase expression system and a heat-sensitive replication origin. The permissive temperatures for the pCP20 propagation are the same as <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo>.
# Inoculate a single colony in 5 ml of LB without antibiotic and incubate the culture at 37°C, 220 rpm overnight. At this temperature the pCP20 helper cannot be replicated and the Flp recombinase is expressed by the remaining copies of the helper. The bacteria should loose the R6K origin and the Cm resistance upon FRT sites recombination, mediated by Flp.
# Streak the culture on a LB plate and incubate it at 43°C overnight to ensure the loss of the helper plasmid. The bacteria that form colonies should be without the pCP20 helper plasmid.
Validate the loss of the helper plasmid by inoculating colonies in Amp (at 100 ug/ml) media and validate the loss of the Cm resistance from the genome by inoculating colonies in Cm (at 12.5 ug/ml) media. Validate the correct length of the integrated part without Cm resistance and R6K origin by performing colony PCR with primers P1/P4 (which amplify the entire Phi80 locus) and VF2/VR (which amplify the integrated part). Validate the phenotype (when possible).
'''Colony PCR:''' a single colony or 1 ul of culture was added to the Invitrogen Platinum Taq reaction mix and was heated at 94°C for 10 min. Then it was assayed with this cycle (X 35): 94°C 30 sec, 60°C (for VF2/VR) or 63°C (for the other primers) 30 sec, 72°C according to the amplicon expected length (1Kb/min). Then the reaction was kept at 72°C for 10 min and it was run on a 1% agarose gel with the GeneRuler 1Kb Plus DNA ladder (Fermentas).
'''Fluorescence assays:''' integrants were inoculated in 1 ml of M9 + Cm (12.5 ug/ml) and grown at 37°C, 220 rpm overnight. The cultures were diluted 1:100 in 1 ml of selective M9 and let grow for about 4 hours under the same conditions as before. Three 200 ul aliquots for each culture were transferred to a 96-well microplate and assayed in the Infinite F200 microplate reader (Tecan) for about 20 hours with the following kinetic cycle: 37°C, 5 min sampling time, linear shaking 15 sec (amplitude=3), wait 5 sec, measure OD600, measure fluorescence with the proper filter (EX:nm/EM:540nm for GFP or EX:535nm/EM:620nm for RFP) with gain=50 or 70. The same protocol was followed for the MC1061 and the MG1655 non-integrant strains, which were grown in M9 without antibiotic.
===Validation of pir strains to propagate the R6K replication origin===
The BW25141 (pir+) and BW23474 (pir-116) ''E. coli'' strains were chosen to propagate the vectors with the R6K replication origin at medium copy (~15 molecules per cell) and high copy (~250) respectively.
The results about their capability to propagate R6K plasmids are shown here:
|'''Efficiency with no DNA'''
|'''Efficiency with pSB*** (positive control)'''
|'''Efficiency with the self-ligated <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> (R6K plasmid)'''
|BW25141 (<partinfo>BBa_K300084</partinfo>, pir+)
|BW23474 (<partinfo>BBa_K300085</partinfo>, pir-116)
|DH5alpha (<partinfo>BBa_V1001</partinfo>, neg control)
|MC1061 (<partinfo>BBa_K300078</partinfo>, neg control)
|MG1655 (<partinfo>BBa_V1000</partinfo>, neg control)
|six small colonies from 2 ng of DNA
These results show that the R6K conditional replication origin can be only propagated in pir+ and pir-116 strains (<partinfo>BBa_K300084</partinfo> and <partinfo>BBa_K300085</partinfo>), while the transformation of other strains with the R6K plasmid yielded no colonies after transformation. The exception was MG1655, for which six small unwanted colonies appeared on the selective plate. Plasmid DNA was purified/HindIII-digested/gel-run for at least one colony for BW25141-<partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> and BW23474-<partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo>, while all the six colonies were analyzed for MG1655-<partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> plate. The electrophoresis showed the expected length of the transformed DNA for all the clones except for the MG1655 six colonies, for which a smear was present in the lane (data not shown). Probably, Cm-resistant contaminants were present in the MG1655 culture during the preparation of competent cells.
For this reason, competent cells were prepared again for MG1655 and the transformation procedure was repeated for this strain, yielding no colonies in the <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> plate as expected.
Miniprep of the BW25141 and BW23474 strains transformed with <partinfo>BBa_K300008</partinfo> yielded a DNA concentration of ~20 ng/ul (qualitatively comparable with medium copy number plasmids) and ~90-100 ng/ul (qualitatively comparable with high copy number plasmids).
The results shown in the table above also show that the R6K plasmid in pir+ and pir-116 strains was transformed with the same efficiency as the pSB*** positive control plasmid, demonstrating that the R6K origin doesn't give any handicap in plasmid transformation.
So, the BW25141 and BW23474 strains can be successfully used to propagate the integrative vector after the excision of the pUC19-derived high copy replication origin, present in the default insert <partinfo>BBa_I52002</partinfo>.
===Integration of the desired BioBrick part into the Phi80 genome locus===
MC1061 and MG1655 were chosen as host strains for integration. <partinfo>BBa_K173001</partinfo> (constitutive strong promoter with GFPmut3) and the EcoRI-PstI fragment of <partinfo>BBa_J61002</partinfo>-<partinfo>BBa_J23101</partinfo> (here called PconRFP - constitutive strong promoter with RFP) were chosen as two proof of concept BioBrick parts to test the integration capability of the <partinfo>BBa_K300000</partinfo> vector in the Phi80 genome locus of these strains. For this reason, <partinfo>BBa_K173001</partinfo> and PconRFP were ligated in <partinfo>BBa_K300000</partinfo> (digested with EcoRI-PstI) and propagated using BW23474.
The integration protocol was performed as described in the Materials and Methods section for 4 different combination:
|'''Integrant name'''
|'''Insert of <partinfo>BBa_K300000</partinfo>
Three colonies grown after the overnight incubation at 43°C (step 5 of integration protocol) were analyzed for each plate. These 12 clones were called: MC-GFP-A,B,C , MC-RFP-A,B,C , MG-GFP-A,B,C and MG-RFP-A,B,C.
'''Validation of the loss of BBa_J72008:''' all the picked colonies did not grow in Amp (50 ug/ml) media, thus validating that <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo> Amp-resistant helper had been actually cured from the cells. However, one of these 12 clones (MG-GFP-A) also failed to grow in Cm (12.5 ug/ml) liquid media, probably because of a mistake in its inoculation. We decided not to consider this clone and to continue with 11 clones.
'''Validation of the actual integration site'''
'''Validation of the integrants phenotype'''
===Chloramphenicol resistance marker excision===
Although MC-RFP and MG-RFP were actually multiple integrants, they were chosen as engineered strains for marker excision validation.
The marker excision protocol was performed as described in the Materials and Methods section for both strains, here named:
|'''Original name'''
|'''Name after marker excision'''
Three colonies grown after the overnight incubation at 43°C (step 4 of marker excision protocol) were analyzed for each plate.
'''Validation of the loss of pCP20 and the resistance marker'''
'''Validation of the length of the integrated part'''
'''Validation of the marker-less phenotype'''
A novel integrative vector for ''E. coli'' has been successfully designed, constructed and used to integrate two proof of concept protein expression systems in two commonly used E. coli strains.
The results showed that the vector is fully functional and can integrate into the correct targeted locus of the host chromosome through the Phi80 site-specific recombination system by using <partinfo>BBa_J72008</partinfo>, an existing BioBrick helper plasmid from the Registry. In most cases, the integration occurs in tandem copies, probably because of the too high Chloramphenicol concentration used during the selection of integrants, which forces multiple integration of Cm-resistant constructs. This concentration was the same used during the pSC101 low copy plasmid (~5 copies per cell) selection. In some cases, it is desirable to have a single copy of the desired BioBrick in the genome, for example when the gene dosage is important. In [Haldimann A and Wanner BL, 2001] the usage of Chloramphenicol at 6 ug/ml yielded a very high percentage of single integrants. However, when tested in our lab, the MG1655 strain could survive on LB plates with Cm at 6 ug/ml and also at 8 ug/ml. For this reason a higher concentration of Cm was chosen for selection. Further studies should investigate the optimal antibiotic concentration to yield the highest single integrants percentage as possible.
The Flp/FRT mediated excision of the R6K and, most importantly, of the Cm resistance marker also worked by using the pCP20 helper plasmid. The estimated efficiency of this process was 100%. In addition, multiple tandem integrants became single integrants after the marker excision. This is because the Flp recombinase mediated the recombination of all the FRT sites of the multiple integrants until only a single FRT site was present in the Phi80 locus. The marker excision is a powerful tool to engineer microbial strains for industrial protein manufacturing because the engineered organism should not carry unsafe antibiotic resistances that may be diffused in the environment.
The fluorescence phenotype confirmed the correct integration into the E. coli chromosome. As expected, in general multiple integrants showed a higher fluorescence than the single integrants.
The BioBrick compatibility and the vector modularity give the possibility to the scientific community to stably engineer novel biological functions in E. coli with a very easy and user friendly methodology. A user’s handbook about the vector usage is shared in the Registry, as well as the users experiences and the compatibility information.
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=Integrative standard vector for yeast=
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=Self-cleaving affinity tags to easily purify proteins=
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Latest revision as of 09:53, 26 October 2010

ProteInProgress: a cellular assembly line for protein manufacturing

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Implementation & Results


Implementation and Results

Self-inducible promoters

Integrative standard vector for E. coli

Integrative standard vector for yeast

Purification of proteins