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- | <div><font class="ws36" color="#993366" face="Narkisim"><B>Welcome to my test wiki~</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws24" color="#993366" face="Narkisim"><B>2011 Chalietia all rights reserved</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws22" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>for now this is only </B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws22" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>a lyric site~</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws22" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>i'll update the songs i love</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws22" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>and the lyrics=w=~</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws22" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>guess that's just</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"> </font><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT">蛋疼。。。</font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><BR></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>lalallalallalalal</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>lololoolololoolol</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font class="ws18" color="#993366" face="Levenim MT"><B>r u broken??!!</B></font></div>
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- | <div><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Andalus" class="ws16">あなたは、どこにいるの? </font></div>
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