Team:IIT Madras/Gallery


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<html xmlns="" >
<title>Scroll Bar Example</title>
<body onload="javascript:preloadThumbnails()">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// Array of image data
var imageData= new Array(10)
// Image path data
// Image title data
imageData[1][1]="Tree Canopy";
imageData[2][1]="In the Clouds";
imageData[3][1]="Sunflower Bud";
imageData[4][1]="Morning Dew";
imageData[5][1]="Hillside Tree";
imageData[6][1]="Winter Wonderland";
imageData[7][1]="Mountain View";
imageData[8][1]="Babbling Brook";
imageData[9][1]="Wooded Trail";
// Image description data
imageData[0][2]="This is the description for the first image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[1][2]="This is the description for the second image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[2][2]="This is the description for the third image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[3][2]="This is the description for the fourth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[4][2]="This is the description for the fifth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[5][2]="This is the description for the sixth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[6][2]="This is the description for the seventh image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[7][2]="This is the description for the eighth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[8][2]="This is the description for the ninth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
imageData[9][2]="This is the description for the tenth image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.";
// Our index, boundry and scroll tracking variables
var imageIndexFirst = 0;
var imageIndexLast = 3;
var continueScroll = 0;
var maxIndex = 9;
var minIndex = 0;
// This function creates our two dimensional array
function createTwoDimensionalArray(arraySize) {
for (i = 0; i < imageData.length; ++ i)
imageData[i] = new Array(arraySize);
// This function preloads the thumbnail images
function preloadThumbnails() {
imageObject = new Image();
for (i = 0; i < imageData.length; ++ i)
imageObject.src = imageData[i][0];
// This function changes the text of a table cell
function changeCellText(cellId,myCellData){
document.getElementById(cellId).innerHTML = myCellData;
// This function changes the images
function changeImage(ImageToChange,MyimageData){
// This function changes the image alternate text
function changeImageAlt(ImageToChange,imageData){
// This function changes the image alternate text
function changeImageTitle(ImageToChange,imageData){
// This function changes the image onmouseover
function changeImageOnMouseOver(ImageToChange,imageIndex){
document.getElementById(ImageToChange).setAttribute('onmouseover','handleThumbOnMouseOver(' + imageIndex + ');')
// This function hanles calling on change function
// for a thumbnail onmouseover event
function handleThumbOnMouseOver(imageIndex){
changeImageAlt('imageLarge',imageData[imageIndex][1] + ' - ' + imageData[imageIndex][2]);
changeImageTitle('imageLarge',imageData[imageIndex][1] + ' - ' + imageData[imageIndex][2]);
// This function handles the scrolling in both directions
function scrollImages(scrollDirection) {
// We need a variable for holding our working index value
var currentIndex;
// Determine which direction to scroll - default is down (left)
if (scrollDirection == 'up')
// Only do work if we are not to the last image
if (imageIndexLast != maxIndex)
// We set the color to black for both before we begin
// If we reach the end during the process we'll change the "button" color to silver
document.getElementById('scrollPreviousCell').setAttribute('style','color: Black')
document.getElementById('scrollNextCell').setAttribute('style','color: Black')
// Move our tracking indexes up one
imageIndexLast = imageIndexLast + 1;
imageIndexFirst = imageIndexFirst + 1;
//  Change next "button" to silver if we are at the end
if (imageIndexLast == maxIndex)
document.getElementById('scrollNextCell').setAttribute('style','color: Silver')
// Changescrollbar images in a set delay sequence to give a pseudo-animated effect
currentIndex = imageIndexLast;
currentIndex = imageIndexLast - 1;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb3',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",25);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb3'," + currentIndex + ")",25);
currentIndex = imageIndexLast - 2;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb2',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",50);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb2'," + currentIndex + ")",50);
currentIndex = imageIndexLast - 3;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb1',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",75);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb1'," + currentIndex + ")",75);
// Wait and check to see if user is still hovering over button
// This pause gives the user a chance to move away from the button and stop scrolling
setTimeout("scrollAgain('" + scrollDirection + "')",1000);
// Only do work if we are not to the first image
if (imageIndexFirst != minIndex)
// We set the color to black for both before we begin
// If we reach the end during the process we'll change the "button" color to silver
document.getElementById('scrollPreviousCell').setAttribute('style','color: Black')
document.getElementById('scrollNextCell').setAttribute('style','color: Black')
// Move our tracking indexes down one
imageIndexLast = imageIndexLast - 1;
imageIndexFirst = imageIndexFirst - 1;
//  Change previous "button" to silver if we are at the beginning
if (imageIndexFirst == minIndex)
document.getElementById('scrollPreviousCell').setAttribute('style','color: Silver')
// Change scrollbar images in a set delay sequence to give a pseudo-animated effect
currentIndex = imageIndexFirst;
currentIndex = imageIndexFirst + 1;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb2',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",25);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb2'," + currentIndex + ")",25);
currentIndex = imageIndexFirst + 2;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb3',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",50);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb3'," + currentIndex + ")",50);
currentIndex = imageIndexFirst + 3;
setTimeout("changeImage('scrollThumb4',imageData[" + currentIndex + "][0])",75);
setTimeout("changeImageOnMouseOver('scrollThumb4'," + currentIndex + ")",75);
// Wait and check to see if user is still hovering over button
// This pause gives the user a chance to move away from the button and stop scrolling
setTimeout("scrollAgain('" + scrollDirection + "')",1000);
// This function determines whether or not to keep scrolling
function scrollAgain(scrollDirection)
if (continueScroll == 1)
// This function kicks off scrolling down (left)
function scrollPrevious() {
continueScroll = 1;
// This function kicks off scrolling up (right)
function scrollNext() {
continueScroll = 1;
// This function stops the scrolling action
function scrollStop() {
continueScroll = 0;
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="center" colspan="6" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt; color: black;
background-color: white" id="imageTitleCell">
<td align="center" colspan="6" style="background-color: white">
<img height="400" src="image1.png" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid" width="400" id="imageLarge" alt="default" /></td>
<td align="left" colspan="6" style="padding-right: 100px; padding-left: 100px; color: black;
background-color: white" id="imageDescriptionCell">
This is the description for the first image. Here will be where we give details
on the image that is currently being viewed.</td>
<td id="scrollPreviousCell" style="color: Silver" onmouseover="scrollPrevious();" onmouseout="scrollStop();">
&lt;&lt; Previous</td>
<img id="scrollThumb1" height="100" src="image1.png" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid" width="100" onmouseover="handleThumbOnMouseOver(0);" /></td>
<img id="scrollThumb2" height="100" src="image2.png" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid" width="100" onmouseover="handleThumbOnMouseOver(1);" /></td>
<img id="scrollThumb3" height="100" src="image3.png" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid" width="100" onmouseover="handleThumbOnMouseOver(2);" /></td>
<img id="scrollThumb4" height="100" src="image4.png" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid" width="100" onmouseover="handleThumbOnMouseOver(3);" /></td>
<td id="scrollNextCell" style="color: Black" onmouseover="scrollNext();" onmouseout="scrollStop();">
Next &gt;&gt;</td>
==And so it begins==
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_1.png|Team member 1
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_2.png|Team member 2
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_3.png|Team member 3
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_4.png|Team member 4
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_5.png|Team member 5
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_6.png|Team member 6
Image:IIT_Madras_Team_member_7.png|Team member 7

Revision as of 12:23, 27 October 2010

Scroll Bar Example

This is the description for the first image. Here will be where we give details on the image that is currently being viewed.
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