

(Difference between revisions)
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intein sub-projects. Instructor for the rest of the team about
intein sub-projects. Instructor for the rest of the team about
promoter measurement, modeling and data analysis.
promoter measurement, modeling and data analysis.

Revision as of 09:05, 24 October 2010

What we did...

Riccardo Barini worked on: all the activities connected with wiki design, updating and freezer management. He also helped the team during the data analysis of quantitative experiments on self-inducible devices.

Sara Bisi worked on: the design of intein sequence, as well as the design and construction of protein fusions with phasin and intein. She also designed and performed (with Federica) validation experiments for PHB granules production. She participated to the fund raising activities to gain financial aid from private companies. She had the idea (with Alessandro) of using PHB as a solid substrate for phasin-tagged protein purification.

Nicolò Politi worked on: all the activities (design/construction/experimental validation and data analysis) connected with the self-inducible devices. He also had the idea (with Susanna and Lorenzo) of the design of self-inducible promoters. He helped during the design of the integrative vector for E. coli and performed with Federica the validation experiments on it. Finally, he performed fluorescence assays on intein fusion proteins.

Alessandro Ranieri worked on: the design of phasin and intein fusion proteins. He had the idea (with Sara) of using PHB as a solid substrate for phasin-tagged protein purification. He also had the idea of using an engineered inducible intein to cleave the tag after the purification. He transferred the selected BioBrick parts in pSB1C3 shipping vector and performed the quality control on them.

Federica Sampietro worked on: all the activities connected with invention/design/construction/experimental validation of the yeast integrative vector. She worked on the construction of parts for the integrative vector for E. coli, PHB/phasin and intein sub-projects. She also designed and performed the validation experiments on PHB granules production (with Sara) and the validation experiments on phasin binding (with Manuel Z.).

Chiara Tassorelli performed: an accurate analysis of past iGEM projects during the first steps of our activities, as well as the analysis of the literature for all the selected subprojects. She is now the responsible of the poster and presentation design. She also designed the logo and worked on wiki design.

Manuel Zocco worked on: the construction of phasin fusion proteins (with Sara and Federica) and performed the experiments on PHB/phasin binding (with Federica). He also helped during validation experiments by PCR on the integrative vector for E. coli and he had the idea (with Manuel L.) of the integrative vector for E. coli.

Manuel Lupotto had the idea of the integrative vector for E. coli (with Manuel Z.). He supervised part of the every day work in the wetlab during cloning and experimental validation activities. He also supervised the experiments about PHB granules production validation and the yeast integrative vector validation (with Susanna). Primer design supervisor.

Matteo Meroso supervised all the activities (design/construction/experimental validation) connected with the integrative vector for E. coli. He also supervised (with Susanna) the design of experiments for the self-inducible devices.

Lorenzo Pasotti coordinated the team during the brainstorming sessions, project discussions and during the submission and documentation of BioBrick parts to the Registry. Instructor for the rest of the team about physical and functional standardization in Synthetic Biology. He had the idea (with Susanna and Nicolò) of the design of self-inducible devices.

Giacomo Zambianchi supervised the design and construction of phasin and intein fusion proteins, as well as the test constructs and the validation experiments. Instructor for the rest of the team about wiki design, management and updating. He is also the freezer management coordinator and the advisor of the fundraising activities.

Susanna Zucca planned and coordinated all the student and advisor activities in both wetlab and drylab and trained the students for the cloning and quantitative experiments. She also had the idea (with Lorenzo and Nicolò) of the design of self-inducible devices. She supervised the cloning and experimental validation activities in integrative vector for yeast, self-inducible devices and part of the PHB/phasin and intein sub-projects. Instructor for the rest of the team about promoter measurement, modeling and data analysis.

Gabriella Cusella is the leader of the wetlab in which the students worked during the summer. She organized the spaces, the instruments and the lab funds dedicated to the iGEM project.

Paolo Magni coordinated all the project activities: meetings, project timeline, fundraising, contacts with media and institutions. Registry, wiki, poster and presentation supervisor (with the other advisors). He also performed the selection of the team students and he participated (with the other adivsors) to all the discussions about project problems and issues.

All team members contributed equally to brainstorming sessions, BioBrick parts selection and project documentation.

Who did what...

Integrative vector for E. coli:

  • Manuel L. and Manuel Z. had the idea.
  • Nicolò, and Matteo (supervised by Lorenzo) designed the vector and

the experiments.

  • Nicolò and Federica (supervised by Lorenzo and Matteo) constructed

the clones and performed all the integration experiments.

Integrative vector for yeast:

  • Federica had the idea, designed the vector, cloned the vector in E.

coli, designed and performed integration experiments in S. cerevisiae.

  • Susanna helped Federica during the genome analysis of S288C strain

to design the two integration sequences.

  • Susanna and Manuel L. supervised the validation experiments.

Self-inducible devices:

  • Lorenzo, Susanna and Nicolò had the idea.
  • Nicolò (supervised by Susanna) designed and constructed all the

devices. Nicolò also designed (supervised by Matteo and Susanna) and performed (supervised by Susanna) all the experiments.

  • Nicolò analyzed the data.

PHB/Phasin binding:

  • Sara and Alessandro had the idea.
  • Sara and Alessandro (supervised by Giacomo) designed the phasin

fusion proteins.

  • Giacomo and Manuel L. supervised the construction of the clones for

validation. The physical construction was performed by Sara, Federica and Manuel Z..

  • Sara and Federica (supervised by Susanna and Manuel L.) designed and

performed the experiments on PHB.

  • Federica and Manuel Z. (supervised by Susanna and Giacomo) performed

the experiments on phasin fusion proteins.


  • Alessandro had the idea.
  • Sara designed the intein sequence.
  • Sara and Alessandro (supervised by Giacomo) designed the intein

fusion proteins.

  • Giacomo supervised the construction of the clones for validation.

The physical construction was performed by Sara and Federica.

  • Nicolò (supervised by Giacomo) performed the experiments on intein

fusion proteins.