


Legal regularisation in the Federal Republic of Germany

Which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?

In Germany all working that includes recombinant DNA technologies is regulated by the Gesetz zur Regelung der Gentechnik. This law regulates general aspects arising from the life sciences and refers for more precise interpretations in §4 to the Zentrale Kommission für die Biologische Sicherheit. The ZKBS is a commission composed of 20 technical experts that releases yearly statements to actual issues of biosafety. So far the ZKBS released three stratements affecting the work with Adeno-associated viral systems:

  • Risk assessment of human Adeno-associated viruses
  • Advises for AAV carrying cell cycle regulating genes
  • Risk assessment of human Adeno-associated viruses and AAV derived vectors
  • References:

    Risk assessment of human Adeno-associated viruses; 2001 26
    Advises for AAV carrying cell cycle regulating genes; 2004 27
    Risk assessment of human Adeno-associated viruses and AAV derived vectors; 2005 28