Team:USTC Software/notebook


Revision as of 06:28, 24 August 2010 by Liaochen (Talk | contribs)

BERKELY DBXML 2.5 introduction by LIAOCHEN


   *  20.06 (Paul): Idea to create a bioinformatical softwaresuite for brand new google wave came up. Best all watch the video at
   * 20.06 (Paul): Kristian applied for an sandboxaccount for google wave.
   * 23.06 (Paul): Meeting: Well work on the GeneWave-Projekt! I should be easy to create basic functionality using Biopython/Biojava.
   * 23.06 (Paul): Google didnt answer on Kristans apply yet. We best all apply for Sandbox-accounts.
   * 23.06 (Paul): Seems that Google doesnt creates accounts for the sandbox right now :/
   * 24.06 (Paul): Presentation of GENwave to Kristians lab.
   * 24.06 (Paul): We'll write google an email in order to get an account. we think they should really like our project...
   * 26.06 (Jörg): After days of waiting, we decided to try contacting google by phone, but also with no effect.
   * 28.06 (Paul): No answer from google yet. Well begin writing a "gadget" with basic functionality which can be tested at an early open source wave implementation. 1th gaged: Open/Save seq-files