Team:USTC SOFTWARE/Notebook/Meetings/6 September 2010


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Zhen Wang

Plan: Discuss UI&input with Soimort. Discuss ODE solver with Kun. Teaching junior students how to write DB. Have fun working.

Summary: This is a crazy week for me! Together with Liao, we make huge modifications on the structure of for at least 3 times! We change the xml structure for storing data, revise the attributes on each item, and have heated debate on our standard of bio-modeling. At first the modification process seems endless, but by the end of the week, we have come to agreement on most of the details. This gives me a lot of hope, and this week has definitely been a big leap for our DB. This time Liao finally realizes that we are actually making the next-generation standard of SBML, haha. Settling a brand-new standard of bio-modeling has actually become the core of our work. As far as I’m concerned, we have made 3 shifts on our goal, UI -> simulation -> bio-modeling standard, this is poor goal-setting, we didn’t make a clear map of what we are doing at the very beginning. I talk on DB and modeling with 2 junior students, they are all confident and eager to learn, I think they can handle it properly very soon. I just don’t have the time to talk with Soimort and Kun.