Team:TzuChiU Formosa/Notebook


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(Team 2: Poseidon - Save the World)
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Revision as of 17:19, 11 September 2010


Your team picture


You should make use of the calendar feature on the wiki and start a lab notebook. This may be looked at by the judges to see how your work progressed throughout the summer. It is a very useful organizational tool as well.

Team 2: Poseidon - Save the World

Day 1: Sep 1 ,2010

  • Primer design:
  • Note:
  1. For all of our construct assembly ,we designed XbaⅠrestriction site at 5’end and SpeⅠat 3’end.
  2. We design the plus strain & minus strain of RBS (BBa_B0034) , Biobrick cloning site prefix , and suffix, then we can anneal complementary single strain into double strain fragments. There is an additional adenine at 3’end of each single strain, it is designed for ligation on pGEM®-T Easy Vector (Promega).

Day 2: Sep 2 ,2010

  • Order primers

Day 3: Sep 3 ,2010

  • Cyanobacteria ATCC 51142 has arrived!!
  • Take out GFP generator (BBa_E0240) from biobrick kit plate 1(site:12M):
  1. dilute DNA with 10 μl ddH2O
  2. pipette mix DNA
  3. transfer DNA solution to new eppendorf
  4. storage at -20 ℃
  • Transform GFP generator (BBa_E0240) into XL-10 Gold competent cell:
  1. Take out XL-10 Gold competent cell from -80 ℃ refrigerator; put on ice
  2. Add 2 μl GFP generator DNA solution into competent cell
  3. Place on ice, 30 min
  4. Heat shock, 42 ℃, 90 sec
  5. Chill on ice, 5 min
  6. Add 800 μl LB medium (without antibiotics)
  7. Incubate at 37 ℃, 1 hr
  8. bacteria solution centrifuge 3000 rpm, 5min
  9. Remove 700 μl supernatant
  10. Smear 100 μl Ampicilin (50 mg /ml) over LB agar plate
  11. Mix bacteria solution; Smear 100 μl over LB agar plate
  12. Incubate at 37 ℃, overnight

Day 4: Sep 4 ,2010

  • Mini-prep : GFP generator (BBa_E0240) transformants
  1. Pick 4 colonies from GFP generator transformants
  2. Each colony incubate with 1.5 ml LB medium (with Ampicilin (50mg /l)); 37 overnight

Day 5: Sep- 5 ,2010

  • Plasmid extraction (Homemade) : GFP generator (BBa_E0240) transformants
  1. Centrifuge 3000 rpm, 10 min; remove supernatant
  2. Resuspend bacteria with 100 μl Solution Ⅰ
  3. Add 200 μl Solution Ⅱ; gently mix
  4. Add 150 μl Solution Ⅲ; gently mix
  5. Centrifuge 13000 rpm, 10 min
  6. Transfer supernatant to new 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube
  7. Add 1 ml 100 % EtOH
  8. Centrifuge 13000 rpm, 15 min
  9. Remove supernatant
  10. Wash pellet 1 ml 75 % EtOH; remove supernatant; air-dry DNA pellet
  11. Dissolve DNA pellet with 50 μl ddH2O
  • GFP generator (BBa_E0240) enzyme digestion (check)
  1. 6 μl RNase
  2. 0.5 μl EoRⅠ
  3. 0.5 μl PstⅠ
  4. 0.3 μl BSA
  5. 10 μl DNA
  6. 37 ℃, 3 hr


Day 6: Sep 6 ,2010

  • Primers have arrived!!
  1. Dilute primers to 100μM /μl; Take out 10 μl, add 90 μl ddH2O (dilute to 10μM /μl)

Day 7: Sep 7 ,2010

  • PCR (total volume: 25 μl ): alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator (BBa_E0240) genes
  1. 12.5 μl Green master mix (Promega)
  2. 1 μl each primer
  3. 1 μl template
  4. 9.5 μl ddH2O
  5. cycle 95/2 min; 30x(95/1 min;56/2 min;72/1.5 min); 72/7 min


  • Gel extraction: alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator (BBa_E0240) genes
  1. use Gel /PCR DNA Fragments Extraction Kit (Geneaid)
  2. Loading the PCR products into agarose gel; run gel with 1X TAE buffer
  3. Excise the agarose gel slice containing relevant DNA fregments
  4. Transfer gel slice to a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube
  5. Transfer gel slice to a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube
  • TA ligation: alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator (BBa_E0240) genes
  1. use pGEM®-T Easy Vector (Promega)

Day 8: Sep 8 ,2010

  • Transformation
  1. transform alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator (BBa_E0240) TA ligation products into XL-10 Gold competent cell

Day 9: Sep 9 ,2010

  • Annealing
  1. anneal complementary single strain of RBS (BBa_B0034) , Biobrick cloning site prefix (BBa_G00000) and Biobrick cloning site suffix (BBa_G00001) into double strain fragments
  2. dilute oligo primers to 10 μM /μl
  3. add 12.5 μl plus strain
  4. add 12.5 μl minus strain
  5. Heat to 95 ℃; cool down to room temperature slowly
  • TA ligation
  1. Ligate RBS (BBa_B0034) , Biobrick cloning site prefix (BBa_G00000) and Biobrick cloning site suffix (BBa_G00001) on pGEM®-T Easy Vector (Promega)
  • Mini-prep
  1. Pick alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator (BBa_E0240) transformants
  2. Pick 4 colonies from alkB1, alkG, alkH, alkJ and GFP generator transformants
  3. Each colony incubate with 1.5 ml LB medium (with Ampicilin (50mg /l)); 37 overnight