

Revision as of 18:11, 22 July 2010 by GregOwen (Talk | contribs)


Project Goals

Digital Sensor

  • Accurately report whether the concentrations of input chemicals lie at, above, or below a given ratio
  • Allow as little expression as possible at the detection ratio, and as much as possible at all other ratios

Analog Sensor

  • Accurately report over a large range of input ratios
  • Achieve a linear correlation between output protein concentration and detection ratio
  • Have a low basal level of expression

Both Sensors

  • Allow future users to change output proteins and input promoters without disrupting the sensor's internal machinery
  • Have both sensors be orthogonal to the host system to avoid cross-talk

Important Parameters

Digital Sensor

  1. Range of possible ratios
  2. Background expression level
    1. Of both proteins at desired ratio
    2. Of either protein when it shouldn't be being expressed
  3. Response curve
  4. Response time

Analog Sensor

  1. Range of possible ratios
  2. Background expression level (no kinase-inducing chemical added)
  3. Phosphotase specificity
  4. Response curve
  5. Response time
