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Bacteria have evolved many modes of propulsion for the microscale environments they inhabit. At these scales materials behave very differently than at the macro-scale, and of particular interest to us is the way liquids seem more viscous. One of the many ways bacteria move around in liquids, is by means of flagella. A single flagellum is a thin filament around 0.1um thick, that extends many cell lengths out from the cell. It consist mainly of flaggelin subunits that assemble into a helical structure forming  a long hollow cylindrical filament.  In E. coli the mean number of flagella per cell is 4, but there is a wide variance between strains, and even between individual cells of each strain. The environment around the cell also has a large influence on how many flagellae are pressent, or if they are pressent at all, as we have learned! Flagella rotate to generate force that allows bacterial cells to swim through fluids in characteristic patterns, more on which later, in search of better conditions for proliferation or survival. Normally flagellated strains of E. coli can achieve speeds up to 20um/sec, and considdering a cell length of only 1-2um this is an impressive feat indeed.<br><br>
Bacteria have evolved many modes of propulsion for the microscale environments they inhabit. At these scales materials behave very differently than at the macro-scale, and of particular interest to us is the way liquids seem more viscous. One of the many ways bacteria move around in liquids, is by means of flagella. A single flagellum is a thin filament around 0.1um thick, that extends many cell lengths out from the cell. It consist mainly of flaggelin subunits that assemble into a helical structure forming  a long hollow cylindrical filament.  In E. coli the mean number of flagella per cell is 4, but there is a wide variance between strains, and even between individual cells of each strain. The environment around the cell also has a large influence on how many flagellae are pressent, or if they are pressent at all, as we have learned! Flagella rotate to generate force that allows bacterial cells to swim through fluids in characteristic patterns, more on which later, in search of better conditions for proliferation or survival. Normally flagellated strains of E. coli can achieve speeds up to 20um/sec, and considdering a cell length of only 1-2um this is an impressive feat indeed.
A flagellum  is anchored to the cell body by a large, wheel-like protein complex spanning both inner and outer membranes, through which the subunits are secreted to the tip of the flagellar tube, thus elongating the filament . (This mechanism is slightly different in archaea, where the filament is assembled from the base of the flagellum) The membrane anchor also functions as a rotary engine, driven by the proton motive force in much the same way the ATP-syntase is turned to create ATP from ADP. In fact the flagellar motor shares a lot of structural homology with the ATP-syntase, suggesting a common evolutionary ancestor. The flagellar motor rotates at up to 1000hz and can turn either clockwise or counter-clockwise, both resulting in a distinct movement pattern for the cell.
Spinning in the counter-clockwise direction , the flagella will twist into a bundle in the shape of a corkscrew, and create a linear driving force, propelling  the cell in a straight line through the liquid. This form of movement is termed run. Spun in the clockwise direction one might then expect the cell to reverse, but this is not the case. Instead the flagellar bundle will unwind and each flagellum will flail wildly, creating chaotic movement. This movement reorients the cell randomly and is termed tumbling. A cell will typically run for ?? seconds at a time, then change it’s orientation by tumbling for ?? seconds, and then run again. The direction of flagella rotation is controlled by binding of a cytosolic protein CheY, more on which later.
Different taxis pathways that steer cells towards favorable conditions and away from danger work by regulating the frequency of tumbling events.  We can take an example where a cell is getting close to a toxin it can sense and react to. As it gets closer to the source of the toxin, intracellular pathways will increase the frequency of tumbling events, in effect preventing the cell from rushing into certain doom, and since the frequency of tumling events will decrease if the cell is going in a direction away from the toxin, it will ”encourage” the cell to continue in that direction. In the case of an attractant such as an increase in nutrient concentration, the pattern will be oppisite, so that the cell is encouraged to continue towards the source of the attractant. This form of movement, combining tumbling and running, with regulation of the tumbling frequency is termed a biased random walk. <br><br>
To understand how this can work we need a simplified understanding of the chemotaxis pathway at a molecular level. Chemotactic receptors can both increase and decrease tumbling frequencies to generate biased random walk behaviour. Increased tumbling is achieved through a phosphorylation cascade beginning with the binding of a repelant to a transmembrane receptor . The receptor is linked to two proteins CheW and CheA.  CheA is a histidine-kinase that will autophosphorylate when the repelant binds. The phosphoryl group is then transfered to CheY activating the protein. The flagellar has high affinity for CheY-p, and binding reverses the mode of movement from run to tumbling. CheY-P is continuosly dephosphorylated back to CheY by CheZ which is present in the cytosol. A receptor sensing an attractant might instead switch from a default active CheA state to an inactive state when it’s ligand is bound, thus decreasing CheY phosphorylation.<br><br>
A flagellum  is anchored to the cell body by a large, wheel-like protein complex spanning both inner and outer membranes, through which the subunits are secreted to the tip of the flagellar tube, thus elongating the filament . (This mechanism is slightly different in archaea, where the filament is assembled from the base of the flagellum) The membrane anchor also functions as a rotary engine, driven by the proton motive force in much the same way the ATP-syntase is turned to create ATP from ADP. In fact the flagellar motor shares a lot of structural homology with the ATP-syntase, suggesting a common evolutionary ancestor. The flagellar motor rotates at up to 1000hz and can turn either clockwise or counter-clockwise, both resulting in a distinct movement pattern for the cell.<br><br>
Spinning in the counter-clockwise direction , the flagella will twist into a bundle in the shape of a corkscrew, and create a linear driving force, propelling  the cell in a straight line through the liquid. This form of movement is termed run. Spun in the clockwise direction one might then expect the cell to reverse, but this is not the case. Instead the flagellar bundle will unwind and each flagellum will flail wildly, creating chaotic movement. This movement reorients the cell randomly and is termed tumbling. A cell will typically run for ?? seconds at a time, then change it’s orientation by tumbling for ?? seconds, and then run again. The direction of flagella rotation is controlled by binding of a cytosolic protein CheY, more on which later.<br><br>
In our system we want to be able to control the amount of flow in the channel through a remote signal. The signal we have chosen is light since we want to avoid altering the chemical composition of the fluid running through the channel. Having looked at previous iGEM work on light sensitive systems which have all been focused on transcriptional regulation, we realised that we would need a different approach for the fast response times our system requires. We have therefore focused our work on proteorhodopsins that integrate into the chemotaxis pathway, giving us very fast response to light stimulation. <br><br>
Our construct centers around a synthetic protein created by Spudich et. al. It consists of an archaeal proteorhodopsin SRII (Sensory Rhodopsin II) and it’s transducer protein htrII from Natronomonas pharaonis coupled to a tar domain from a transmembrane receptor from Salmonella enterica. The tar domain is the part of the receptor that couples with CheA and CheW, and although it is taken from a different species, it has been shown to work in E. coli as well. In the construct we are working with light acts as an attractant, reducing the tumbling rate upon illumination. This might help us to control our pumping power, by decreasing the fraction of bacteria tumbling in the channel by increasing light stimulus, thus promoting linear drive. The photosensor should be most active in light with a wavelength of about 500nm, according to the original article. <br><br>
Note that although the bacteria will be stationary in our system, since they are glued to the inner surface of the flowchannel, our construct in reality confers phototactic ability to E. coli.<br><br>
Different taxis pathways that steer cells towards favorable conditions and away from danger work by regulating the frequency  of tumbling events.  We can take an example where a cell is getting close to a toxin it can sense and react to. As it gets closer to the source of the toxin, intracellular pathways will increase the frequency of tumbling events, in effect preventing the cell from rushing into certain doom, and since the frequency of tumling events will decrease if the cell is going in a direction away from the toxin, it will ”encourage” the cell to continue in that direction. In the case of an attractant such as an increase in nutrient concentration, the pattern will be oppisite, so that the cell is encourage to continue towards the source of the attractant. This form of movement, combining tumbling and running, with regulation of the tumbling frequency is termed a biased random walk.
==== Photosensor ====
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We want to be able to control the amount of flow in the tube through a remote signal. The signal we have chosen is light, since light does not have any effect on the composition of the fluid. This means that the probability of unwanted chemical interactions is reduced. Having looked at previous iGEM work on light sensitive systems, which have all been focused on transcriptional regulation, we realised that we would need a different approach for the fast response times our system requires. We have therefore focused our work on photorhodopsins that integrate into the chemotaxis pathway, giving us very fast response to light stimulation. <br><br>
The type of light that we will use is blue light, which functions as a repellent in our case. This will make the bacteria want to get away from the light source which in turn results in an increased tumbling frequency, why will be explained a little further down this text. Since we chose ''E. coli'' as our model organism and wanted to use a light signal, we would have to increase it's sensitivity to bluelight, which naturally is very, very small. Through research we found out that the ''Halobacterium salinarum'' has a very well researched phototaxis mechanism, where the individual membrane domains role in the process had been solved ''and'' transferred to ''E. coli''. Which means that we would have to pick up on that research and create this mechanism as biobricks. <br><br>
The following model shows the way we want to couple the phototaxis pathway to ''E. coli'''s natural chemotaxis pathway. This is almost identical to the phototaxis pathway in ''H. salinarum'' except that the HtrII is directly coupled to CheA, so that there is no Tsr involved.<br><br><html>
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Revision as of 22:57, 24 October 2010