

Revision as of 14:32, 8 July 2010 by Sheila (Talk | contribs)


On this page we list all the primers we designed and used during the summer. Numbers in paranthesis is basic temperature (celcius)

Primers for FlhDC master operon

We needed to design 4 primers for this part. The FlhDC operon contains a PST1 restriction site, therefore we need to introduce a silent mutation, C --> T at position 822 in the operon.

Reverse primer w. mutation at position 13: 5’-CATAAGCTGCGGTCAAAGCTGCCAA -3’ (59)

Forward primer w. mutation at position 13: 5’-TTGGCAGCTTTGACCGCAGCTTATG-3’ (59)

Lastly we added primers with prefix and suffix to the PCR result of the above:

FlhDC forward:

Prefixprimer: 5'-GTTTCTTCGAATTCGCGGCCGCTTCTAGATGCATACCTCCGAGTTGCT-3' (Coding sequence: 52) (Primer total: 72)

FlhDC reverse:

Suffixprimer: 5'-GTTTCTTCCTGCAGCGGCCGCTACTAGTAAACAGCCTGTACTCTCT-3' (Coding sequence: 45) (Primer total: 72)