Team:Monash Australia/Modelling


Revision as of 11:18, 22 October 2010 by Bacteria (Talk | contribs)


Yang cycle

The three key enzymes we require are highlighted in the image, SAM synthase, ACC synthase and ACC oxidase. SAM synthase converts methionine into S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM), using ATP for an adensoyl group. The second step involves ACC synthase, which cleaves the amino butyrate from SAM, releasing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Released ACC is then processed by ACC Oxidase which converts ACC to ethylene by cleaving the carboxylic acid off as carbon dioxide and its neighboring carbon with the amino group as cyanide gas. By using such a system to produce ethyene gas we can potentially reduce costs involved with current production methods by reducing temperature requirements by 30 fold.

Metabolic modelling of the ethylene generator

The program tinkercell was used to model the synthesis of ethylene in our e.coli cell. Where, in addition to the qualitative representation (figure 1) the program allowed, simulation of the model could be exercised inorder to measure the flux of metabolites – with respect to time - in the system given the input of values pertaining to substrate/enzyme concentration, and reaction rates were inputted. As a result, with a model, under certain parameters and assumptions made, quantitative data representing the theoretical: protein, mRNA and most importantly, ethylene outputs could be obtained for further analysis/optimization.

Figure 1: Metabolic modeling of the desired reaction in an 'E. coli' cell created on Tinkercell

More to come soon!