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<p>Our modelling project description will arrive soon! Keep checking back!</p>
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<p>Description of Circuit 1 goes here.</p>
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<p>Description of Circuit 2 goes here.</p>
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<p>Description of Circuit 3 goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo, nisl
eget dictum scelerisque, magna arcu vulputate dolor, luctus elementum erat nulla nec ante. Etiam fermentum malesuada aliquet. In id augue tellus.
Donec sollicitudin condimentum leo sit amet congue. Mauris ipsum ipsum, ultricies lobortis viverra vel, vestibulum quis turpis. Quisque ultrices
faucibus nulla eget tristique. Nunc est lectus, dictum ac tempor at, pellentesque at erat. Nullam eu sollicitudin nisl. Integer rutrum, nulla eget
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quam gravida porta.</p>
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<p>Many synthetic biology projects involve the expression of recombinant proteins in microorganisms such as E. coli. The problems
encountered with many synthetic biology projects often involve problems with protein expression. It is often very difficult to recognize the
problem and pinpoint where it lies. The goal of the University of Calgary 2010 iGEM team is to build a protein expression "troubleshooting kit".
This kit will contain two systems with which target genes can be inserted. In the resulting cell growth, fluorescent protein production will be
used to determine whether there is a problem with protein expression as well as indicate where the protein expression is failing.</p>
<p>Protein expression happens in three steps: the transcription of the DNA to mRNA, the translation of mRNA into an amino acid
sequence, and the folding of that amino acid sequence into a protein. Our system detects possible errors in these three steps using two circuits.
The first circuit has a fluorescent reporter that is produced when DNA is transcribed into mRNA and another that is produced when mRNA is
translated into a functional protein. When both reporter proteins are expressed in the cell, it indicates both transcription and translation are
successful. The second circuit involves reporter systems that are activated as a result of protein misfolding. Two native stress-activated
promoters from E. coli were engineered upstream to fluorescent reporters that will respond to periplasmic and cytoplasmic protein misfolding. If
the protein of interest misfolds in either area of the cell, one of the promoters will be activated and the corresponding fluorescence will be
<p><a href="">Read more...</a></p>
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<img src="Modellingtxt.png"></img> <p>Our modelling project description will arrive soon! Keep checking back!</p>

<img src="Circuit1.png"></img> <p>Description of Circuit 1 goes here.</p>

<img src="Circuit2.png"></img> <p>Description of Circuit 2 goes here.</p>

<img src="Circuit3.png"></img> <p>Description of Circuit 3 goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo, nisl

eget dictum scelerisque, magna arcu vulputate dolor, luctus elementum erat nulla nec ante. Etiam fermentum malesuada aliquet. In id augue tellus.

Donec sollicitudin condimentum leo sit amet congue. Mauris ipsum ipsum, ultricies lobortis viverra vel, vestibulum quis turpis. Quisque ultrices

faucibus nulla eget tristique. Nunc est lectus, dictum ac tempor at, pellentesque at erat. Nullam eu sollicitudin nisl. Integer rutrum, nulla eget

semper pretium, sapien elit scelerisque lectus, eu vulputate eros nibh nec sapien. Duis convallis vehicula imperdiet. Cras suscipit sapien vel

quam gravida porta.</p>

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<img class="descTitle" title="Project Description"

src="ProjectDescription.png"></img> <p>Many synthetic biology projects involve the expression of recombinant proteins in microorganisms such as E. coli. The problems

encountered with many synthetic biology projects often involve problems with protein expression. It is often very difficult to recognize the

problem and pinpoint where it lies. The goal of the University of Calgary 2010 iGEM team is to build a protein expression "troubleshooting kit".

This kit will contain two systems with which target genes can be inserted. In the resulting cell growth, fluorescent protein production will be

used to determine whether there is a problem with protein expression as well as indicate where the protein expression is failing.</p> <p>Protein expression happens in three steps: the transcription of the DNA to mRNA, the translation of mRNA into an amino acid

sequence, and the folding of that amino acid sequence into a protein. Our system detects possible errors in these three steps using two circuits.

The first circuit has a fluorescent reporter that is produced when DNA is transcribed into mRNA and another that is produced when mRNA is

translated into a functional protein. When both reporter proteins are expressed in the cell, it indicates both transcription and translation are

successful. The second circuit involves reporter systems that are activated as a result of protein misfolding. Two native stress-activated

promoters from E. coli were engineered upstream to fluorescent reporters that will respond to periplasmic and cytoplasmic protein misfolding. If

the protein of interest misfolds in either area of the cell, one of the promoters will be activated and the corresponding fluorescence will be

observed.</p> <p><a href="">Read more...</a></p>

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