Team:BIOTEC Dresden/Ethics


Revision as of 18:25, 26 October 2010 by Vyctoryo (Talk | contribs)


Nowadays the production and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) let them be plants, animals or anything else are viewed with big precaution by most societies. There are multiple reasons why people are not accepting this products some of them accompanied by sound scientific arguments, whereas others by wrong understanding and fears fuelled by mass-media.

On one hand the people having nothing in common with biological sciences do not always know all the scientific background behind the problem, on the other hand, “bio people” in knowledge of the problem may be considered biased because their profession is their source of income, respect, it is also their belief and future. As society and science looks for compromise, there is a big effort all over the world to create the legislative frame which will ensure the careful manipulation of GMO’s in environment, medicine, industry.

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