

Revision as of 03:12, 28 October 2010 by Conor.m (Talk | contribs)


In brief, this year's Berkeley 2010 iGEM team accomplished the following:

  • A foundational advance in protein and DNA payload delivery to lower metazoans, opening the door to genetic modification of potentially very useful and previously intractable organisms using synthetic biology.
  • An automated, user-friendly, forward-thinking approach to biosafety implemented in the software program Clotho, improving human practice in synthetic biology.
  • Developed and deployed the new core of Clotho 2.0 as an App platform for synthetic biology tools



Bronze Medal

  • Register the team, have a great summer, and have fun attending the Jamboree.
  • Create and share a Description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki.
  • Present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
  • Enter information detailing at least one new standard BioBrick [ Part or Device] in the Registry of Parts

Silver Medal

  • Demonstrate that at least one Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected. (See Self-Lysis and Vesicle-Buster)
  • Characterize the operation of at least one new BioBrick [ Part or Device] and enter this information on the Parts or Device page via the Registry of Parts.

Gold Medal

  • Characterize or [ improve] an [ existing] BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information back on the Registry.
  • Outline and detail a new approach to an issue of Human Practice in synthetic biology as it relates to your project, such as safety, security, ethics, or ownership, sharing, and innovation.

Bronze Mousepad

  • Registered the team, had a great summer, and had fun attending the Jamboree.
  • Created and share a Description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki.
  • Present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
  • Develop and make available via the Registry an open source software tool that supports synthetic biology based on BioBrick standard biological parts

Silver Mousepad

  • Provided a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool, or a second, distinct software tools project

Gold Mousepad

  • Outlined and detailed a new technical standard for managing biosafety (Human Practices) in synthetic biology based on a standardized data model