Team:ETHZ Basel/Introduction/Media


Revision as of 01:28, 28 October 2010 by Csimona (Talk | contribs)


Media coverage

In October, Biotechniques contacted us for an interview about our project E. lemming. They showed particular interest in our motivation to participate in the iGEM competition as well as in project development and team collaborations.

Read more about our experiences during the iGEM 2010 period on:

  • [ BioTechniques - iGEM competitors gear up for 2010 challenge]

Media resources

We provide you here with a selection of our animations and real-time movies:

  • [ E. lemming - The Movie on YouTube]
  • [ E. lemming - (The Lemming) on YouTube]
  • [ E. lemming - (The Lemming's Brother) on YouTube]


You can contact us by emailing the student team at: ETHZ Basel mail.png or by using the below details:

ETH Zürich
Prof. Dr. Sven Panke
Bioprocess Laboratory D-BSSE
1058 7.40
Mattenstrasse 26
4058 Basel
Phone: +41 61 387 32 09 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +41 61 387 32 09      end_of_the_skype_highlighting