Team:Newcastle/Meetings/12 July 2010


Revision as of 14:59, 12 July 2010 by Yessa (Talk | contribs)

Chair: Da, Minutes: Younus, Comp

  1. . Cloning Strategies
  • SR1 - Finished
  • RocF not started - need to use Gibson method;
  • YneA
  • 2 for Swarming (sfp and swrA)
  • LacI
  • 2 for Subtilin (Immunity and Production)

Only finished one, SR1. 7 more to go!

Next: swarming and subtilin nearly finished, YneA nearly coming back and LacI brick not sure how to test. Why is testing LacI hard? YneA - our most important BB - Phil, Rach, Deena Swarming - Harsh, Alan, Da LacI (2) - Phil, Younus Subtilin (2) - Harsh, Steve, Da RocF - Harsh, Alan, Steve,

5 parts to a Cloning Strategy

  1. Purpose and justification
  2. Modelling
  3. Construction
  4. Cloning and Integration
  5. Testing and Characterising

  1. .
  1. .