Team:Weimar-Heidelberg Arts/Project/Recobrain


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"In a society that is all about achievements, the ReCoBrain product lets us imagine a world of complete self-control and peak performances. This handy tool that sounds great in the advertisement serves as a disguise for a horrible vision where man becomes machine and leaves the borders of his own brain behind."

Laura-Nadine Schuhmacher, Lorenz Adlung, Phillip Bayer

Product Description

After one simple injection, ReCoBrain transports you to your own personal paradise! Boring and stressful chores will be executed by your body while you are fast asleep. Just plug in your earphones, press play, sit back and relax. The personalized melodies will tell your brain which program to run – be it anything from washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or exercising. After the program is completed, the wake-up music will slowly bring you back from your dreams, feeling fully rested and relaxed. You will then have all the free time you ever wanted, and enough time to spend it with family and friends! Indulge in activities you could not find time for before the ReCoBrain technology changed your life.

This procedure can be partially refunded by your health insurance if you suffer from stress-induced disorders like burn-out-syndrome. Please contact your insurance company for further information. Not for children under 18 years of age.

Technical Description

The ReCoBrain technology is based on the injection of a synthetic neuronal network that attaches to the brain’s motor cortex and auditory cortex, and induces the formation of new synapses. Neuronal activity patterns in these brain areas are recorded by the ReCoBrain network and can be linked. Simply by listening to a specific, personalized melody while asleep, ReCoBrain is activated and repeats the corresponding activity patterns of the brain, causing the body to react to these stimuli by executing the programmed task.

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