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"Jugaad DIY BioLab"


Jugaad vs. Hack

"Jugaad is a survival tactic, whereas a hack is an intellectual art form; i.e. Jugaad is the wile of the poor, and hack the pastime of the affluent cerebral. Jugaad is a hack to get around or deal with a lack of or limited resources, and has a class component to it - jugaad are things poor but clever people do to make the most of the resources they have. They do what they need to do, without regard to what is supposed to be possible." -wikipedia

During the summer, we decided to question the idea that synthetic biology or biology for that matter could be done only with high-end scientific equipment. We began to construct lab instruments out of cheap, readily available material.

We've so far build a sterile hood, a centrifuge, a gel-electrophoris box, an incubator, microscopes and also a touch-table lab assistant. All instructions are open source and can be downloaded in detail from []

The 100$ sterile hood

The 10$ incubator

The 20$ microscope

The 20$ centrifuge.

The Lab Assistant