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<HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript Slideshow Template</TITLE> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">


$Id: slideshow.js,v 1.16 2003/10/14 12:39:00 pat Exp $
Copyright 2000-2003 Patrick Fitzgerald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// There are two objects defined in this file: // "slide" - contains all the information for a single slide // "slideshow" - consists of multiple slide objects and runs the slideshow

//================================================== // slide object //================================================== function slide(src,link,text,target,attr) {

 // This is the constructor function for the slide object.
 // It is called automatically when you create a new slide object.
 // For example:
 // s = new slide();
 // Image URL
 this.src = src;
 // Link URL
 this.link = link;
 // Text to display
 this.text = text;
 // Name of the target window ("_blank")
 this.target = target;
 // Custom duration for the slide, in milliseconds.
 // This is an optional parameter.
 // this.timeout = 3000
 // Attributes for the target window:
 // width=n,height=n,resizable=yes or no,scrollbars=yes or no,
 // toolbar=yes or no,location=yes or no,directories=yes or no,
 // status=yes or no,menubar=yes or no,copyhistory=yes or no
 // Example: "width=200,height=300"
 this.attr = attr;
 // Create an image object for the slide
 if (document.images) {
   this.image = new Image();
 // Flag to tell when load() has already been called
 this.loaded = false;
 this.load = function() {
   // This method loads the image for the slide
   if (!document.images) { return; }
   if (!this.loaded) {
     this.image.src = this.src;
     this.loaded = true;
 this.hotlink = function() {
   // This method jumps to the slide's link.
   // If a window was specified for the slide, then it opens a new window.
   var mywindow;
   // If this slide does not have a link, do nothing
   if (!this.link) return;
   // Open the link in a separate window?
   if (this.target) {
     // If window attributes are specified,
     // use them to open the new window
     if (this.attr) {
       mywindow = window.open(this.link, this.target, this.attr);
     } else {
       // If window attributes are not specified, do not use them
       // (this will copy the attributes from the originating window)
       mywindow = window.open(this.link, this.target);
     // Pop the window to the front
     if (mywindow && mywindow.focus) mywindow.focus();
   } else {
     // Open the link in the current window
     location.href = this.link;


//================================================== // slideshow object //================================================== function slideshow( slideshowname ) {

 // This is the constructor function for the slideshow object.
 // It is called automatically when you create a new object.
 // For example:
 // ss = new slideshow("ss");
 // Name of this object
 // (required if you want your slideshow to auto-play)
 // For example, "SLIDES1"
 this.name = slideshowname;
 // When we reach the last slide, should we loop around to start the
 // slideshow again?
 this.repeat = true;
 // Number of images to pre-fetch.
 // -1 = preload all images.
 //  0 = load each image is it is used.
 //  n = pre-fetch n images ahead of the current image.
 // I recommend preloading all images unless you have large
 // images, or a large amount of images.
 this.prefetch = -1;
 // IMAGE element on your HTML page.
 // For example, document.images.SLIDES1IMG
 // ID of a DIV element on your HTML page that will contain the text.
 // For example, "slides2text"
 // Note: after you set this variable, you should call
 // the update() method to update the slideshow display.
 // TEXTAREA element on your HTML page.
 // For example, document.SLIDES1FORM.SLIDES1TEXT
 // This is a depracated method for displaying the text,
 // but you might want to supply it for older browsers.
 // Milliseconds to pause between slides.
 // Individual slides can override this.
 this.timeout = 3000;
 // Hook functions to be called before and after updating the slide
 // this.pre_update_hook = function() { }
 // this.post_update_hook = function() { }
 // These are private variables
 this.slides = new Array();
 this.current = 0;
 this.timeoutid = 0;
 // Public methods
 this.add_slide = function(slide) {
   // Add a slide to the slideshow.
   // For example:
   // SLIDES1.add_slide(new slide("s1.jpg", "link.html"))
   var i = this.slides.length;
   // Prefetch the slide image if necessary
   if (this.prefetch == -1) {
   this.slides[i] = slide;
 this.play = function(timeout) {
   // This method implements the automatically running slideshow.
   // If you specify the "timeout" argument, then a new default
   // timeout will be set for the slideshow.
   // Make sure we're not already playing
   // If the timeout argument was specified (optional)
   // then make it the new default
   if (timeout) {
     this.timeout = timeout;
   // If the current slide has a custom timeout, use it;
   // otherwise use the default timeout
   if (typeof this.slides[ this.current ].timeout != 'undefined') {
     timeout = this.slides[ this.current ].timeout;
   } else {
     timeout = this.timeout;
   // After the timeout, call this.loop()
   this.timeoutid = setTimeout( this.name + ".loop()", timeout);
 this.pause = function() {
   // This method stops the slideshow if it is automatically running.
   if (this.timeoutid != 0) {
     this.timeoutid = 0;
 this.update = function() {
   // This method updates the slideshow image on the page
   // Make sure the slideshow has been initialized correctly
   if (! this.valid_image()) { return; }
   // Call the pre-update hook function if one was specified
   if (typeof this.pre_update_hook == 'function') {
   // Convenience variable for the current slide
   var slide = this.slides[ this.current ];
   // Determine if the browser supports filters
   var dofilter = false;
   if (this.image &&
       typeof this.image.filters != 'undefined' &&
       typeof this.image.filters[0] != 'undefined') {
     dofilter = true;
   // Load the slide image if necessary
   // Apply the filters for the image transition
   if (dofilter) {
     // If the user has specified a custom filter for this slide,
     // then set it now
     if (slide.filter &&
         this.image.style &&
         this.image.style.filter) {
       this.image.style.filter = slide.filter;
   // Update the image.
   this.image.src = slide.image.src;
   // Play the image transition filters
   if (dofilter) {
   // Update the text
   // Call the post-update hook function if one was specified
   if (typeof this.post_update_hook == 'function') {
   // Do we need to pre-fetch images?
   if (this.prefetch > 0) {
     var next, prev, count;
     // Pre-fetch the next slide image(s)
     next = this.current;
     prev = this.current;
     count = 0;
     do {
       // Get the next and previous slide number
       // Loop past the ends of the slideshow if necessary
       if (++next >= this.slides.length) next = 0;
       if (--prev < 0) prev = this.slides.length - 1;
       // Preload the slide image
       // Keep going until we have fetched
       // the designated number of slides
     } while (++count < this.prefetch);
 this.goto_slide = function(n) {
   // This method jumpts to the slide number you specify.
   // If you use slide number -1, then it jumps to the last slide.
   // You can use this to make links that go to a specific slide,
   // or to go to the beginning or end of the slideshow.
   // Examples:
   // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(0)"
   // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(-1)"
   // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(5)"
   if (n == -1) {
     n = this.slides.length - 1;
   if (n < this.slides.length && n >= 0) {
     this.current = n;

 this.goto_random_slide = function(include_current) {
   // Picks a random slide (other than the current slide) and
   // displays it.
   // If the include_current parameter is true,
   // then 
   // See also: shuffle()
   var i;
   // Make sure there is more than one slide
   if (this.slides.length > 1) {
     // Generate a random slide number,
     // but make sure it is not the current slide
     do {
       i = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.slides.length);
     } while (i == this.current);

     // Display the slide

 this.next = function() {
   // This method advances to the next slide.
   // Increment the image number
   if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) {
   } else if (this.repeat) {
     this.current = 0;

 this.previous = function() {
   // This method goes to the previous slide.
   // Decrement the image number
   if (this.current > 0) {
   } else if (this.repeat) {
     this.current = this.slides.length - 1;

 this.shuffle = function() {
   // This method randomly shuffles the order of the slides.
   var i, i2, slides_copy, slides_randomized;
   // Create a copy of the array containing the slides
   // in sequential order
   slides_copy = new Array();
   for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) {
     slides_copy[i] = this.slides[i];
   // Create a new array to contain the slides in random order
   slides_randomized = new Array();
   // To populate the new array of slides in random order,
   // loop through the existing slides, picking a random
   // slide, removing it from the ordered list and adding it to
   // the random list.
   do {
     // Pick a random slide from those that remain
     i = Math.floor(Math.random()*slides_copy.length);
     // Add the slide to the end of the randomized array
     slides_randomized[ slides_randomized.length ] =
     // Remove the slide from the sequential array,
     // so it cannot be chosen again
     for (i2 = i + 1; i2 < slides_copy.length; i2++) {
       slides_copy[i2 - 1] = slides_copy[i2];
     // Keep going until we have removed all the slides
   } while (slides_copy.length);
   // Now set the slides to the randomized array
   this.slides = slides_randomized;

 this.get_text = function() {
   // This method returns the text of the current slide
   return(this.slides[ this.current ].text);

 this.get_all_text = function(before_slide, after_slide) {
   // Return the text for all of the slides.
   // For the text of each slide, add "before_slide" in front of the
   // text, and "after_slide" after the text.
   // For example:
// document.write("
    "); // document.write(s.get_all_text("
  • ","\n")); // document.write("<\/ul>"); all_text = ""; // Loop through all the slides in the slideshow for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; if (slide.text) { all_text += before_slide + slide.text + after_slide; } } return(all_text); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.display_text = function(text) { // Display the text for the current slide // If the "text" arg was not supplied (usually it isn't), // get the text from the slideshow if (!text) { text = this.slides[ this.current ].text; } // If a textarea has been specified, // then change the text displayed in it if (this.textarea && typeof this.textarea.value != 'undefined') { this.textarea.value = text; } // If a text id has been specified, // then change the contents of the HTML element if (this.textid) { r = this.getElementById(this.textid); if (!r) { return false; } if (typeof r.innerHTML == 'undefined') { return false; } // Update the text r.innerHTML = text; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.hotlink = function() { // This method calls the hotlink() method for the current slide. this.slides[ this.current ].hotlink(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.save_position = function(cookiename) { // Saves the position of the slideshow in a cookie, // so when you return to this page, the position in the slideshow // won't be lost. if (!cookiename) { cookiename = this.name + '_slideshow'; } document.cookie = cookiename + '=' + this.current; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.restore_position = function(cookiename) { // If you previously called slideshow_save_position(), // returns the slideshow to the previous state. //Get cookie code by Shelley Powers if (!cookiename) { cookiename = this.name + '_slideshow'; } var search = cookiename + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); // if cookie exists if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; this.current = parseInt(unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))); } } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.noscript = function() { // This method is not for use as part of your slideshow, // but you can call it to get a plain HTML version of the slideshow // images and text. // You should copy the HTML and put it within a NOSCRIPT element, to // give non-javascript browsers access to your slideshow information. // This also ensures that your slideshow text and images are indexed // by search engines. $html = "\n"; // Loop through all the slides in the slideshow for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; $html += '

    '; if (slide.link) { $html += '<a href="' + slide.link + '">'; } $html += '<img src="' + slide.src + '" ALT="slideshow image">'; if (slide.link) { $html += "<\/a>"; } if (slide.text) { $html += "
    \n" + slide.text; } $html += "<\/P>" + "\n\n"; } // Make the HTML browser-safe $html = $html.replace(/\&/g, "&" ); $html = $html.replace(/</g, "<" ); $html = $html.replace(/>/g, ">" ); return('

    ' + $html + '

     // Private methods
     this.loop = function() {
       // This method is for internal use only.
       // This method gets called automatically by a JavaScript timeout.
       // It advances to the next slide, then sets the next timeout.
       // If the next slide image has not completed loading yet,
       // then do not advance to the next slide yet.
       // Make sure the next slide image has finished loading
       if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) {
         next_slide = this.slides[this.current + 1];
         if (next_slide.image.complete == null || next_slide.image.complete) {
       } else { // we're at the last slide
       // Keep playing the slideshow
       this.play( );

     this.valid_image = function() {
       // Returns 1 if a valid image has been set for the slideshow
       if (!this.image)
         return false;
       else {
         return true;
     this.getElementById = function(element_id) {
       // This method returns the element corresponding to the id
       if (document.getElementById) {
         return document.getElementById(element_id);
       else if (document.all) {
         return document.all[element_id];
       else if (document.layers) {
         return document.layers[element_id];
       } else {
         return undefined;
     // Deprecated methods
     // I don't recommend the use of the following methods,
     // but they are included for backward compatibility.
     // You can delete them if you don't need them.
     this.set_image = function(imageobject) {
       // This method is deprecated; you should use
       // the following code instead:
       // s.image = document.images.myimagename;
       // s.update();
       if (!document.images)
       this.image = imageobject;
     this.set_textarea = function(textareaobject) {
       // This method is deprecated; you should use
       // the following code instead:
       // s.textarea = document.form.textareaname;
       // s.update();
       this.textarea = textareaobject;
     this.set_textid = function(textidstr) {
       // This method is deprecated; you should use
       // the following code instead:
       // s.textid = "mytextid";
       // s.update();
       this.textid = textidstr;

    } </script>

    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> </SCRIPT> </HEAD>

    <BODY onLoad="SLIDES1.update();SLIDES2.update();">

    <P> <IMG name="SLIDES1IMG" src="pics/pic1.jpg" alt="Slideshow image"> <IMG name="SLIDES2IMG" src="pics/pic2.jpg" alt="Slideshow image">

    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
