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<p class="abstract_de" style="display: none; clear: right;">german</p>
<p class="abstract_de" style="display: none; clear: right;">Zusammenfassung    Das Entwerfen von neuen Bausteinen für die synthetische Biologie und ihr Zusammenfügen, um neue Funktionen und Charakteristika in biologische System zu bringen, sind mit die Hauptziele des iGEM-Wettbewerbes. Dabei wollen wir uns besonders auf letzteres konzentrieren und suchen eine systemische Anwendung von iGEM-Bausteinen zu etablieren. Unser Ziel ist es, einen skalierbaren Ansatz zu entwerfen, mit dem biologische Teile ''in vivo'' zu einem skalierbaren Netzwerk zusammengefügt werden können, das fähig ist zur logischen Informationsprozessierung.
Durch die Entwicklung eines biologischen Netzwerkes, das analog zu einem Computer aufgebaut ist, bieten wir allen die Mögichkeit, Zellen zu programmieren und logische Netzwerke basierend auf AND/OR/NOT-Verbindungen zwischen Biobrick-Parts zu entwickeln. Dadurch können Biobricks auch endlich ihre Funktion als biologische Bausteine, die beliebig miteinander verknüpft werden können, erfüllen. Um das zu erreichen, haben wir einfache und benutzerfreundliche Schalter basierend auf berechenbaren RNA-RNA-Interaktion konstruiert, die durch Antitermination schalten können. Mit Hilfe dieser Schalter kann man komplette logische Funktionen aufbauen und beliebig komplexe Netzwerke entwerfen.</p>
<p class="abstract_en" style="clear: right;">Among the goals of iGEM is the creation of synthetic biological parts and their utilization to achieve novel features and behavior in biological systems. The emphasis of our project is put on this latter, "systems" aspect of iGEM. More precisely, we aim at the development and experimental demonstration of a scalable approach for the realization of logical functions in vivo.<br>By developing a computational biological network based on RNA logical devices we will offer everyone the opportunity to 'program' their own cells with individual AND/OR/NOT connections between BioBricks of their choice. Thereby, BioBricks can finally fulfill their original assignment as biological parts that can be connected in many different ways. We will achieve this by engineering simple and easy-to-handle switches based on predictable RNA/RNA-interactions regulating transcriptional termination. These switches represent a complete set of logical functions and are capable of forming arbitrarily complex networks.</p>
<p class="abstract_en" style="clear: right;">Among the goals of iGEM is the creation of synthetic biological parts and their utilization to achieve novel features and behavior in biological systems. The emphasis of our project is put on this latter, "systems" aspect of iGEM. More precisely, we aim at the development and experimental demonstration of a scalable approach for the realization of logical functions in vivo.<br>By developing a computational biological network based on RNA logical devices we will offer everyone the opportunity to 'program' their own cells with individual AND/OR/NOT connections between BioBricks of their choice. Thereby, BioBricks can finally fulfill their original assignment as biological parts that can be connected in many different ways. We will achieve this by engineering simple and easy-to-handle switches based on predictable RNA/RNA-interactions regulating transcriptional termination. These switches represent a complete set of logical functions and are capable of forming arbitrarily complex networks.</p>
<p class="abstract_ch" style="display: none; clear: right;">chinese</p>
<p class="abstract_ch" style="display: none; clear: right;">chinese</p>
<p class="abstract_by" style="display: none; clear: right;">bavarian</p>
<p class="abstract_by" style="display: none; clear: right;">bavarian</p>
<p class="abstract_sp" style="display: none; clear: right;">spanish</p>
<p class="abstract_sp" style="display: none; clear: right;">Entre los objetivos de iGEM se encuentra la creación sintética de partes biológicas y su utilización para lograr nuevas conductas y características en los sistemas biológicos. El énfasis de nuestro proyecto se centra en esto último, en los sistemas como característica principal de iGEM. Concretamente, nuestro objetivo es el desarrollo y la demostración experimental de un enfoque escalable para la realización de funciones lógicas en seres vivos.Mediante el desarrollo de una red computacional biológica basada en dispositivos lógicos ARN, vamos a ofrecer a todo el mundo la oportunidad de "programar" con sus propias células mediante conexiones individuales AND/OR/NOT entre BioBricks de su propia elección. De tal modo, los BioBricks pueden llevar a cabo su tarea principal como partes biológicas que se pueden conectar de muchas maneras diferentes. Esto se logrará mediante sencilla ingeniería e interruptores fáciles de manejar basados en interacciones ARN-ARN sencillas de predecir, regulando las interacciones de terminación de la transcripción. Estos conmutadores representan un conjunto completo de funciones lógicas y son capaces de formar cualquier red compleja.</p>
<p class="abstract_po" style="display: none; clear: right;">portugese</p>
<p class="abstract_po" style="display: none; clear: right;">Abstract
    Unul dintre scopuri dela iGEM este a crea părţi artificiale bioligice care se pot utiliza pentru descoperirea unor caracteristici noi într-un sistem biologic. Accentul proiectului nostru este pus pe punctul de "sistem" al-ui iGEM. Mai exact, scopul nostru este să demonstrâm funcţi logice "in vivo" prin ataşare şi dezvoltare continuă.
    Proiectul iGem dezvolta prin calcul o reţea biologica, cu componente basate pe logica acidului ribonucleic. Aşa oferim tuturor posibilitatea să controleze celulele lor cu o legatură (AND/OR/NOT) între BioBricks care sunt alese individual. Ca părţi biologice care pot fi conectate în mai multe moduri diferite, BioBricks poate îndeplini sarcina iniţială. Vom realiza acest lucru prin întrerupătoare simple şi uşoare de manevrat care sunt bazate pe interacţiuni ARN/ARN  previsibile şi care controlează încetarea transcripţională. Aceste întrerupătoare reprezintă un set complet de funcţii logice şi sunt capabile să formeze arbitrar reţele complexe.</p>
<p class="abstract_cr" style="display: none; clear: right;">croatia</p>
<p class="abstract_cr" style="display: none; clear: right;">croatia</p>
<p class="abstract_dm" style="display: none; clear: right;">denmark</p>
<p class="abstract_dm" style="display: none; clear: right;">denmark</p>
<p class="abstract_hu" style="display: none; clear: right;">hungary</p>
<p class="abstract_hu" style="display: none; clear: right;">hungary</p>
<p class="abstract_fr" style="display: none; clear: right;">france</p>
<p class="abstract_fr" style="display: none; clear: right;">(Abstrait)
L'un des plusieurs buts d'iGEM est la création des parties biologiques synthétiques qui peuvent être utiliser pour découvrir des nouvelles caractéristiques et comportements des systèmes biologiques. L'accent de notre projet est mis sur ce dernier aspect de "systèmes".
Plus précis, notre objectif et de réaliser des fonctions logiques in vivo sur la base d'une approche expérimentale.
En développant un réseau biologique et quantificatif à l'aide des structures logiques de l'ARN, nous offrirons à chacun la possibilité de programmer ses propres cellules avec les connexions AND/OR/NOT individuelles entre les biobriques de son choix.
Ainsi, les biobriques peuvent finalement réaliser leur fonction initiale: alors comme parties biologiques qui peuvent être connecter de plusieurs façons différentes. Nous atteignons cela avec des interrupteurs facile à commander. Ils sont installés d'après le modèle des interactions ARN/ARN et régulent aussi l'achèvement transcriptional. Ces interrupteurs représentent un ensemble complet des fonctions logiques et ils sont arbitrairement capables de former des réseaux complexes.</p>
<p class="abstract_it" style="display: none; clear: right;">italy</p>
<p class="abstract_it" style="display: none; clear: right;">italy</p>
<p class="abstract_ru" style="display: none; clear: right;">russia</p>
<p class="abstract_ru" style="display: none; clear: right;">russia</p>

Revision as of 20:42, 21 October 2010

Among the goals of iGEM is the creation of synthetic biological parts and their utilization to achieve novel features and behavior in biological systems. The emphasis of our project is put on this latter, "systems" aspect of iGEM. More precisely, we aim at the development and experimental demonstration of a scalable approach for the realization of logical functions in vivo.
By developing a computational biological network based on RNA logical devices we will offer everyone the opportunity to 'program' their own cells with individual AND/OR/NOT connections between BioBricks of their choice. Thereby, BioBricks can finally fulfill their original assignment as biological parts that can be connected in many different ways. We will achieve this by engineering simple and easy-to-handle switches based on predictable RNA/RNA-interactions regulating transcriptional termination. These switches represent a complete set of logical functions and are capable of forming arbitrarily complex networks.