
From 2010.igem.org

// Copyright ツゥ2009 Aaron Vanderzwan, by Aaron Vanderzwan // Thanks to Skye Giordano for the suggestion of the resizeMsg option. // // LICENSE // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // VERSION: 1.1.7

(function($) { // The maxImages plugin resizes an image dynamically, according to the width of the browser. jQuery.fn.maxImage = function(options) {

 var resizeMsgDefaults = {show: false, location: 'before', message: 'Original: ([w]w x [h]h)'};
 // var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.maxImage.defaults, options);
 var opts = jQuery.extend({
   wait:                 true,
   imageArray:           [],
   maxFollows:           'both',  // Options: width, height, both
   verticalOffset:       0,
   horizontalOffset:     0,
   leftSpace:            0,
   topSpace:             0,
   rightSpace:           0,
   bottomSpace:          0,

overflow: 'hidden',

   position:             'absolute',
   isBackground:         false,
   zIndex:               -1,
   verticalAlign:        'center',
   horizontalAlign:      'center',
   maxAtOrigImageSize:   false,
   slideShow:            false,
   slideDelay:           5,
   slideShowTitle:       true,
   loaderClass:          'loader',
   resizeMsg:            resizeMsgDefaults,

onImageShow: function(){}

 }, options);
 // var resizeDefaults = {show: false, location: 'before', message: '(resized)'};
 opts.resizeMsg = jQuery.extend(resizeMsgDefaults, options.resizeMsg)
 // Cache jQuery object
 var jQueryMatchedObj = this;
 function _initialize() {
   return false;
 function _start(image,jQueryMatchedObj) {
   if( opts.slideShow ){
   } else if ( opts.isBackground ){
   } else {


 Others = {
   _setup_others: function(image,opts){
     $this = $(image);


Others._configure_css(image,opts); $(window).load(function(){ _get_orig_data($this); _size_image($this); _center_image($this); $this.show(); $('.'+opts.loaderClass).hide(); opts.onImageShow.call(this); $(window).resize(function(){ _size_image($this); _center_image($this); }); });

   _configure_css: function(image,opts){
     if(opts.position == 'absolute') {
         'overflow':   'hidden',
         'left':       opts.leftSpace,
         'top':        opts.topSpace,
         'position':   'absolute'
       if(opts.verticalAlign == 'bottom'){
       if(opts.horizontalAlign == 'right'){
     } else {
         'margin-top':     opts.topSpace,
         'margin-right':   opts.rightSpace,
         'margin-bottom':  opts.bottomSpace,
         'margin-left':    opts.leftSpace,
         'position':       opts.position
 Background = {
   _setup_background: function(image){
     $this = $(image);

$this.show(); $('.'+opts.loaderClass).hide(); opts.onImageShow.call(this);



   _configure_css: function(image){
     // If position is set to absolute (or if isBackground)
       'z-index':  opts.zIndex
     if(opts.position == 'absolute') {
         'overflow':   'hidden',
         'left':       opts.leftSpace,
         'top':        opts.topSpace,
         'position':   'absolute'
       if(opts.verticalAlign == 'bottom'){
       if(opts.horizontalAlign == 'right'){
     } else {
         'margin-top':     opts.topSpace,
         'margin-right':   opts.rightSpace,
         'margin-bottom':  opts.bottomSpace,
         'margin-left':    opts.leftSpace,
         'position':       opts.position
 function _setup_slideshow (jQueryMatchedObj){
   opts.imageArray.length = 0;
   if( jQueryMatchedObj.length == 1){
     opts.imageArray.push(new Array(objClicked.getAttribute('src'),objClicked.getAttribute('title')));
   } else {  
     for ( var i = 0; i < jQueryMatchedObj.length; i++ ) {
       opts.imageArray.push(new Array(jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('src'),jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('title')));


 function _build_slideshow_structure() {
   for ( var i = 0; i < jQueryMatchedObj.length; i++ ) {
$(jQueryMatchedObj[i]).addClass('slides slide-'+i).after('
 function _loads_image(nums){
   var currentImage = nums;
   var objImagePreloader = new Image();
   objImagePreloader.onload = function() {

if(currentImage==0) opts.onImageShow.call(this);



     if(currentImage < opts.imageArray.length-1){
   objImagePreloader.src = opts.imageArray[currentImage][0];
 function _start_timer() {
   var currentSlide = 0;
   // Hide the loading graphic
   // Fade in first image
   // If user wants to show titles, use this option
   // Start timer for slideshow
   var slideInterval = setInterval(function(){
     if(currentSlide < opts.imageArray.length-1){
       lastSlide = currentSlide-1;
     } else {
       lastSlide = opts.imageArray.length-1;
   }, (to_i(opts.slideDelay)*1000));
 function _configure_css(){
     // Style the slide
     if(opts.position == 'absolute') {
         'position':   'absolute',
         'overflow':   'hidden'
       if(opts.verticalAlign == 'bottom'){


       if(opts.horizontalAlign == 'right'){

$('.slide-'+i).css({'left':opts.leftSpace}); }

     } else {
         'margin-top':     opts.topSpace,
         'margin-right':   opts.rightSpace,
         'margin-bottom':  opts.bottomSpace,
         'margin-left':    opts.leftSpace,
         'position':       opts.position
     // Style the title
 function next_title(currentSlide,lastSlide){

function _center_image(image){ $this = image;

   if(opts.horizontalAlign == 'center'){

var pageWidth = $(window).width() - opts.horizontalOffset; var newWidth = -1*($this.width() - pageWidth)/2;

   if(opts.verticalAlign == 'center'){

var pageHeight = $(window).height() - opts.verticalOffset; var newHeight = -1*($this.height() - pageHeight)/2;



 function _get_orig_data(image){
   $this = image;
   $this.attr('origWidth', $this.width());
   $this.attr('origHeight', $this.height());
   $this.attr('ratio', find_ratio($this.width(),$this.height()));
 function _size_image(image){
   $this = image;
   var originalWidth = to_i($this.attr('origWidth'));
   var originalHeight = to_i($this.attr('origHeight'));
   var ratio = $this.attr('ratio');
 	if(originalWidth == 0 || originalHeight == 0){

_get_orig_data(image); _size_image(image); }, 100);

   var width_and_height = [];
   width_and_height = find_width_and_height(originalWidth,originalHeight,ratio);
   $this.width( width_and_height[0] );
   $this.height( width_and_height[1] );
 function _show_resize_message(originalWidth,originalHeight,image){

if( (to_i($this.width()) != originalWidth || to_i($this.height()) != originalHeight) && opts.resizeMsg.show){

     // Replace [w] and [h] with their respective width or height
     opts.resizeMsg.message = opts.resizeMsg.message.replace('[w]',originalWidth).replace('[h]',originalHeight);
var insertStr = '
' + opts.resizeMsg.message + '
 		if(opts.resizeMsg.location.toLowerCase() == "before"){
 		} else {
 function find_width_and_height(originalWidth,originalHeight,ratio) {
   var pageWidth = $(window).width() - opts.horizontalOffset;
   var pageHeight = $(window).height() - opts.verticalOffset;
       if( height > pageHeight ){
     } else if (opts.maxFollows == 'width'){
     } else if (opts.maxFollows == 'height'){  
     width = pageWidth + 40;
     height = width/ratio;
     if( height < pageHeight ){
       height = pageHeight - (opts.topSpace + opts.bottomSpace);
       width = height*ratio;
   // If maxAtRatio == true and your new width is larger than originalWidth, size to originalWidth
   if ( opts.maxAtOrigImageSize && width > originalWidth){
     arrayImageSize = new Array(originalWidth,originalHeight);
     arrayImageSize = new Array(width,height);
   return arrayImageSize;
 function max_follows_height(pageHeight,ratio){
   height = pageHeight - (opts.topSpace + opts.bottomSpace);  // Page Height minus topSpace and bottomSpace
   width = height*ratio;
 function max_follows_width(pageWidth,ratio){
   width = pageWidth - (opts.leftSpace + opts.rightSpace); // Page Width minus leftSpace and rightSpace
   height = width/ratio;
 function find_ratio(width,height) {
   width = to_i(width);
   height = to_i(height);
   var ratio = width/height;
   ratio = ratio.toFixed(2);
   return ratio;
 function to_i(i){
   last = parseInt(i);
   return last;
 // private function for debugging
 function debug($obj) {
   if (window.console && window.console.log) {
 return this.each(_initialize);

